
Aug 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – REMOTE SENSING

Microsoft releases a beta of Virtual Earth
Microsoft released a beta of Virtual Earth, its web-based mapping service that combines local search with maps and aerial photography according to a recent report. The move comes some three weeks after Google released a beta of its Google Earth, and nearly a month after MSN unveiled a service combining satellite imagery with maps with its local search results. However, MSN’s Virtual Earth, like Google Earth, is focused primarily around maps and aerial views, allowing users to zoom in and out of maps or images and drag them around within the display area. MSN Virtual Earth for now covers only the U.S. and major Canadian cities, and offers fewer local-search options.

Aug 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

China’s first digital long distance pipeline
Ji-Ning line is China’s first pipeline featuring digital technologies. World advanced technologies are applied in it, including remote sensing technology, GIS, large database, virtual reality technology, web application technology, project management, enterprise resource planning, exploring a new idea and method of in the design and operation management of long-distance pipeline. Welding has been completed for over 700 kilometers along the Ji- Ning line (from Hengshui in north China’s Hebei Province to Nanjing in east China’s Jiangsu province) for West-East Gas Transmission project. The line extends across north and east China and connects the area around Bohai Sea with Yangtze River Delta. It is expected the main pipeline will be put into operation at year-end. The pipeline will put an end to the coal-dominated energy structure in the areas alongside.

Aug 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GPS

USS Cape St. George is first ship using digital mapping system
Sailors on the USS Cape St. George is the first in the U.S. Navy fleet to switch from paper maps to a new digital charting system, linked to GPS and instant updates on ocean obstructions. The Navy, which has been working on the new technology since 1998, plans to install and use the new digital maps on the entire flee by 2009.

Aug 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – INDUSTRY

MapInfo Delivers OGC Compliance
MapInfo Corporation the announced that its MapXtreme® family of products has been certified as fully compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) OpenGIS® WMS Specifi cations.

Aug 2005 | Comments Off on ITS AP2005

The 7th Asia Pacific ITS Conference & Exhibition was …

Aug 2005 | Comments Off on GIS – Helping manage our world JIM BAUMANN, ESRI

13,000 users attend ESRI’s 25th Annual User Conference

With nearly 13,000 users attending from more than 135 …

Jul 2005 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

July 2005




25 – 29 July 2005 Seoul, Korea


25th Annual ESRI International …

Jul 2005 | Comments Off on Vol I, Issue 2, July 2005
May issue

Was early warning of Sumatra earthquake possible? SHUNJI MURAI AND HARUMI ARAKI
GAGAN – A visionary approach ARJUN SINGH
Using positional and navigational technologies in Australia ALLAN K BARNES
Scalable GPS infrastructure NATHAN PUGH

Jul 2005 | Comments Off on Your Coordinates


Congratulations on a strong inaugural effort. In particular, …

Jul 2005 | Comments Off on “What is the difference between Everest Spheroid and WGS 84?”


NoCoordinates is a new section, where readers questions …