May 2014 | No Comment

The European Commission is now weighing whether to mandate Galileo adoption not only in European critical infrastructures but also in selected areas including smartphones. The European Union is adopting a system called eCall, which when installed in automobiles automatically …

May 2014 | No Comment

Proteus Delivers Phase 1 of Abu Dhabi Land/Marine Mapping Ahead of Schedule

May 2014 | No Comment

With the advent of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology and its data accessibility, many precise geodetic applications such as deformation mentoring…

May 2014 | No Comment

The region of Balkan Peninsula and in particular, the territory of Bulgaria characterizes with active tectonics and seismotectonics. A number of geological, geophysical and geodetic investigations demonstrate the recent activity of the region, and have tried to give a reasonable…

May 2014 | No Comment

During his relatively short reign of 17 years the highly controversial pharaoh of ancient Egypt derogatorily described as “The Heretic King” caused the most disruptive religious upheaval of the entire period of the legendary civilisation. Akhenaten took the throne of New Kingdom…

May 2014 | No Comment

After years of development, as the representative of GNSS, GPS technology has been gradually replacing the conventional triangulation techniques and has become the main means of access to ground control point coordinates. From the initial decimeter magnitude to the current sub-centimeter or even millimeter level, the coordinate precision of ground points has been highly improved upon…

May 2014 | No Comment

National mapping policy 2005 has recommended the usage of UTM as projection for Open Series Maps (OSM), however there were reservations on adopting UTM for Defense Series Maps (DSM). Accordingly LCC with certain proprietary modifications was found suitable for DSM.

May 2014 | No Comment

The paper aims to validate the use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals prior to the occurrence of earthquakes as a means of earthquake prediction, by referring to the Great East Japan Earthquake (hereafter called the Great Earthquake). The Great Earthquake occurred….

Apr 2014 | No Comment

Vol. X, Issue 4, April 2014

Apr 2014 | No Comment

IRNSS – IB: Another step forward
April 4, 2014.
ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C24, successfully launched IRNSS-1B.
The second satellite of the seven constituting the Indian
Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS).
The fi rst one was successfully launched on July 02, 2013.
Two more satellites of this constellation, namely, IRNSS-1C and IRNSS-
1D, are planned to be launched in the second …