Apr 2016 | No Comment

FARO Technologies, Inc. has released version 2.0 of its well-known web hosting service, SCENE WebShare Cloud. It is the first cloud-based software unleashing the power of fluid…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

The Government of India has amended the Customs Baggage Declaration regulations to make it mandatory to declare drones in customs forms, for people coming to India…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

Septentrio, designer and manufacturer of GNSS solutions recently awarded the winners of the Galileo Masters (Flanders Challenge) of the European…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

Durham University purchased SiteMonitor4D to better understand the process of coastal erosion as part of a KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership) project, funded by Innovate UK. The project focussed on monitoring the rock faces on the North Yorkshire coast in the UK, near the historic town of Whitby and uses both airborne laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning to collect the data…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

Launched December 1, 2014, the spacecraft began regular broadcasts on February 15, transmitting on channel –6 from its orbital location in plane 2, slot 9 of the GLONASS constellation…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

In remote sensing technology, vegetation indices are considered as a single number that quantifies vegetation biomass for each individual pixel in a remote sensing image…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

Nowadays, GPS are used in many applications such as GBAS, SBAS, EGNOS and WAAS aircraft landing systems, unmanned road or aerial vehicles, wireline…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

A well-functioning cadastre is essential for securing rights in land and property, wealth generation, and contributing to better land and environmental management…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

Along with the damage to buildings and infrastructure, the April 25, 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha earthquake caused quite significant deformation over a large area in…