Articles in the Articles Category

Mar 2015 | No Comment

The present Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) world infrastructure is mainly based on the American Global Positioning System (GPS), complemented by other Global Navigation Satellite Systems, such as the Russian GLONASS and the forthcoming European Galileo and Chinese Beidou…

Mar 2015 | No Comment

The International Navigation Conference 2015 marked the return of the Royal Institute of Navigation to the business of organising major navigation meetings. For some years they have waited on the sidelines as too many conferences competed for a declining number of delegates….

Feb 2015 | No Comment

My Coordinates

Feb 2015 | No Comment


Feb 2015 | No Comment

VLBI plays a unique role in the practical realization and maintenance of the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), it is also the only technique which provides the full set of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP)[1]…

Feb 2015 | No Comment

The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) is derived using similar principles to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to enhance the spectral reflectance of surface water bodies…

Feb 2015 | No Comment

Reference systems are used in Geodesy, Astronomy and Spatial information science extensively. In addition to well established systems like ICRF, MOD, TOD, and WGS84, various other systems are available that arise from intermediate or approximate transformations [6]…

Feb 2015 | No Comment

Currently a lot of basic and applied research in hydroacoustics mainly considers resources of various types, including models’ and calculated problems’ libraries. Similar to the Internet and network resources, the hydro acoustic models development is an actual task…

Feb 2015 | No Comment

The motion picture “Gravity” begins with a series of cascading failures. The destruction of one satellite creates orbiting debris. This debris sweeps through space destroying multiple satellites…

Jan 2015 | No Comment

My Coordinates