Articles in the Articles Category

Mar 2018 | No Comment

The authors spent two years research on the application of the (Mahalanobis-Taguchi Method) MT method for earthquake prediction which shows interesting result

Shunji Murai

Chief Technical Officer, Japan Earthquake Science Exploration Agency (JESEA), Tokyo, Japan

Shoichi Teshima

President, Angletry Co., Ltd. Sapporo, Japans

JESEA (Japan Earthquake Science Exploration Agency), which celebrated its fifth anniversary since establishment in January 2013, continues …

Mar 2018 | No Comment


Pause and re-plan!
A recent study
‘Satellite-derived Time and Position: A Study of Critical Dependencies’
by The UK Government Office for Science
Reviews the UK’s dependency on GNSS
And recommends measures to improve resilience
Including by adopting potential back-up systems.
More than the findings,
The worth appreciating is the approach.
The approach of ‘a pause’
Where …

Feb 2018 | No Comment


Car to caravan
Another feat of mankind.
Falcon Heavy by Sapce X symbolizes
The dreams and the dreamers.
Imagination, inventiveness and ingenuity.
A journey from surrealism to reality.
It was not Falcon Heavy alone,
Along with it was Tesla Roadster.
A craft, along with a car.
Will it eventually be followed by a caravan?
Who knows!

Bal …

Feb 2018 | No Comment

March 2018

Munich Satellite Navigation Summit

5 – 7 March Munich Germany


15 – 17 March
Cologne, Germany

Gi4DM 2018

18 – 21 March
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

United Nations/Argentina Workshop on the applications of GNSS

19 – 23 March
Falda Del Carmen, Argentina

April 2018

The 7th …

Feb 2018 | No Comment

Satellite navigation has become a component of national infrastructure and therefore one of the pillars of the modern civilisation. This inevitably requires knowledgeable, skilled and competent professionals who will be able to advance…

Feb 2018 | No Comment

Rural development is one of the priority programs in Indonesia today. Upto two billion Rupiah villages fund will be granted for each village. Rural development requires comprehensive planning. This requires a village map and village information system [1]…

Feb 2018 | No Comment

The use of UAVs in various works is becoming increasingly popular. They are commonly used in surveying as well as preparation of photographic and video documentation of various objects [5],[7]…

Feb 2018 | No Comment

As universities strive to find a balance between theory and practice; and between generic and specialist knowledge and competencies, a real concern is that there may be a disproportionate shift towards a greater academic approach and a concomitant shifting…

Feb 2018 | No Comment

Takeyasu SAKAI

Principal Researcher, Navigation Systems Department, Electronic Navigation Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, Japan while sharing the status and prospects of QZSS and MSAS programmes

Please update us with the status of QZSS.
Following QZS-1 launched in 2010, additional three satellites has been launched in 2017 to complete the initial constellation of …

Jan 2018 | No Comment

February 2018

18th Annual International LiDAR Mapping Forum

5 – 7 February Denver, USA

IGNSS2018 Symposium

6 – 9 February 2018 Sydney, Australia

GMA: Geodesy, Mine Survey and Aerial Topography

15 – 16 February Moscow Novotel Center, Russia

March 2018

Munich Satellite Navigation Summit

5 – 7 March Munich Germany


15 – 17 March
Cologne, Germany

Gi4DM …