Articles in the Mycoordinates Category


Feb 2008 | Comments Off on Estimates of anomalies in triangular area

This mega thrust earthquake of Dec 26, 2004 shifted several sites on Indian and Eurasian plates, which has been quantified from various GPS studies. As the relative change in triangular area between different sites is more sensitive than the relative change in their coordinates, it has been attempted to calculate the anomalies in triangular area on daily basis between 12 permanent GPS stations of C-MMACS and 16 IGS stations for a period of 60 days from 1st Dec 2004 – 30th Jan 2005.

Feb 2008 | Comments Off on Galileo is necessary

Europe is building its own global satellite navigation system, Galileo, which will offer very accurate positioning and timing, under civilian responsibility. This system will be compatible with the two other existing systems, GPS and GLONASS. A user will be able to use the same receiver to calculate his position from signals sent out by any satellites combination, however Galileo will offer to all users a bi frequency system that will allow knowing position within one meter of accuracy, which is unprecedented for an openly accessible service. Apart from extreme circumstances, it will always be available and its users will be informed in a few seconds of a potential disruption of one of the satellites. Thus it will be usable for safety of life applications, requiring the highest security level, such as plane landing, train circulation or car guidance.

Jan 2008 | Comments Off on My Coordinates


Nano effects
A historic moment.
For the automobile industry and for India too.
Tata unveiled small car Nano with a price tag of US$ 2,500.
When this ‘car for masses’ was promised, many did not believe.
Now it is a reality.
A revolutionary innovation.
An innovation that may change the life of millions.
GNSS technology too has this potential.
For imaginative applications and wider …

Dec 2007 | No Comment

The LBS stream
It’s integral to the day-to-day functioning in the developed world.
In Asia, Japan and Korea lead the way.
The undercurrents are becoming visible in India.
First, it was the state-owned BSNL to join the LBS bandwagon.
Later, the private player Bharti Airtel followed suit.
Market dynamics indicate positive trends for LBS.
With the mobile phones holding the pulse of …

Nov 2007 | No Comment

According to various reports, a significant number of graduates
in India are not suitable for employment.
This is not a happy state of affairs;
We have an education system that is inadequate for skill development.

Oct 2007 | Comments Off on The Technology Limits



Last month, New York witnessed cab drivers’ strike.
A protest against a city rule that cabs be equipped with GPS.
Popular contention among others is that GPS is overly intrusive.
It might be possible that such protests are driven by vested interests.
Nonetheless, the privacy issues cannot be ignored.
Many feel that technology is spilling into the zone of …

Oct 2007 | Comments Off on e-Governance

It is not just having computers in offices or creating websites, but it involves the creation of systems; integrating technology with administrative processes; human resources and dispensing information and services faster to the citizens. e-Governance offers a number of advantages for the government as well as the public. It shifts the centre of power from human agencies to technology, which is easier to deal with. For example, if a citizen wants some information on building codes, he/she has to go to the office of the local authority to get it, often shuttling from one table to another. If such information is made available on websites, it makes things easier for the citizens as well as the authorities.

Sep 2007 | Comments Off on We shall overcome…



It is not simply a project.
It is an ambition.
An assertion of technology.
And taking the technology beyond the realms of monopoly.
There are hurdles. Political and economical.
But stronger is the will to overcome them.
There are confl icts. On approach and interest.
There are frustrations on the delay. And, at stake is the credibility.
Still, there is a resolute to …

Aug 2007 | Comments Off on The shades of independence



India celebrates 60 years of independence.
We are happy once again.
A celebration for democracy and democratic values.
On the occasion, we take a look at two movements.
National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Sustainable …

Aug 2007 | Comments Off on Managing land information

LAND forms important part of development activity. Land revenue is one of the sources of income for state governments. It may come from land holdings by private individuals, real estate transactions or other natural resources being tapped by various sections of the society. Hence, creation of a Land Information Management System involves