Articles in the Mycoordinates Category

Jun 2009 | Comments Off on My Coordinates


Is it curtains for Loran?
It is a seamless backup to GPS.
It is cost-effective and completely interoperable.
Asserts The Independent Assessment Team (IAT).
Also, recommends unanimously to US Government.
To complete the eLoran upgrade and commit it as the national backup to GPS.
Two leading Senate Committees also publicly back the eLoran system.
Reportedly, $ 160 million investment has already been …

May 2009 | Comments Off on MyCoordinates

Mission Possible
It is a seamless backup to GPS. {Paragraph} {Also please check there must be good enough line spacing}
It is cost-effective and completely interoperable.
Asserts The Independent Assessment Team (IAT).
Also, recommends unanimously to US Government.
To complete the eLoran upgrade and commit it as the national backup to GPS.
Two …

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on My Coordinates


China claims a frequency for Compass.
Europe also wants the same for Galileo’s Public Regulated Service.
According to the International Telecommunications Union’s policies, the …

Mar 2009 | Comments Off on Polluted space



On Feb 10, 2009 two communication satellites collided in space.
It happened over Northern Siberia, 490 miles above the earth surface.
The low-earth orbit (LEO) location of the collision …

Feb 2009 | Comments Off on Defining limits



A group of Japanese professionals and lawyers have asked Google to
stop providing the detailed street level images of Japanese cities.
Their concern is that it violates privacy rights.
The ‘owners of the technology’ tend to demonstrate the extent
to which the technology can go and what …

Jan 2009 | Comments Off on A cautious welcome to 2009



Economic slowdown, meltdown, recession…
Cost cut, retrenchments, …
Fears, uncertainty, survival issue…
Is geomatics industry immune?
No, if we talk about banking, retail or auto segments…
To an extent yes, if we think about government-driven infrastructure projects.
Defence, internal security, …
Appears, we are heading towards diffi cult times.
It is also a time to correct fundamentals.
Focus on forgotten sectors like agriculture.

Dec 2008 | No Comment

The Wenchuan Earthquake occurred in Sichuan Province, China on the 12th May 2008 with M 8.0 in Richter Scale and 10km depth which resulted in more than 90,000 dead and missing. It is reported that the total loss is more than 170 Billion US Dollars…

Dec 2008 | No Comment

The competition started nearly two decades ago in the United States as the National Engineers Week Future City Competition with the aim to provide fun and exciting educational engineering programs for school students by combining stimulating engineering challenges with ‘hand-on’ application to enable them to present their vision of a city of the future…

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on People die and will die



India witnesses another onslaught of brutality, helplessly.
A country of more than a billion, the world’s largest democracy, the rising Asian space power, nuclear power… was held to ransom.
For more than 60 hours.
By a small, but heavily armed, well-trained and highly motivated group.
An execution of meticulous planning, using advanced technologies like digital maps, satellite …

Nov 2008 | No Comment

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