Articles in the GNSS Category

Jan 2018 | No Comment

The analysis of space weather and ionospheric disturbance effects on satellite navigation, its performance and operation relies upon either the identification of the deteriorating conditions and setting up the GNSS…

Jan 2018 | No Comment

The geospatial profession is evolving. As seen in other industries, the next wave of geospatial technology innovation will be shaped by big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and the ubiquity of GIS…

Dec 2017 | No Comment

A couple of decades ago, it was necessary to collect carrier-phase data with at least two GPS receivers simultaneously within a few hours to make high…

Nov 2017 | No Comment

Last year in Android Nougat, we introduced APIs for retrieving Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Raw measurements from Android devices. Last month, we publicly released GNSS Analysis Tools to process and analyze these measurements…

Nov 2017 | No Comment

Penggaron bridge is located in Semarang-Ungaran toll road, 20th kilometer in Susukan region, East Ungaran, Semarang. According to PT. Transmarga Central Java, The bridge is relatively new and actively used since 2010, but the bridge is visually deformed as indicated by small cracks in some pillars of the bridge.

Sep 2017 | No Comment

In traffic applications, where critical situations can occur, it is increasingly important to monitor the signal environment of GNSS…

Aug 2017 | No Comment

Global Navigation Satellite Systems’ (GNSS) performance is affected by ionosphere. Sudden variations in ionization levels can increase the pseudorange errors and even cause loss of lock on some of the visible satellites…

Aug 2017 | No Comment

SynchroNet is a Thales Alenia Space Italia patented solution for a high performance, scalable and resilient time and frequency transfer system…

Jul 2017 | No Comment

State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) ensures Space Policy on the following directions: creation of launch vehicles and spacecraft launches; remote sensing, including creation of space observation systems; satellite navigation using GNSS; space monitoring and analysis; seismic and geophysical monitoring, including monitoring of nuclear test ban treaty; space science and exploration.

Jun 2017 | No Comment

The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) provides an augmentation of the open public service offered by the GPS. EGNOS makes GPS suitable for safety critical applications such as civil aviation…