Articles in the GNSS Category


Aug 2014 | No Comment

On March 2, 2011, the ESSP declared EGNOS’ Safety of Life (SoL) signal officially available for aviation with the authorization from the European Commission (EC) to provide the service. From that moment on the EGNOS SoL service was provided openly and freely accessible without any direct charge…

Jul 2014 | No Comment

In Korea, technologies on WA-DGNSS (Wide area differential GNSS) has been being jointly developed by a consortium of universities and research organization in order to construct the system in the near future (Ho Yun et al., 2011 and Ho Yun et al., 2011). WA-DGNSS

Jul 2014 | No Comment

In the late 1990s, while the European Union was defining what services Galileo would offer, two access-controlled services were defined: CAS1 (Control Access Service 1) and CAS2. CAS1 later became the Commercial Service (CS), and CAS2 the Public-Regulated Service (PRS).

Jun 2014 | No Comment

The successful development of receivers, application technologies and services is a key requirement for the commercial success of the European Satellite Navigation System Galileo.

May 2014 | No Comment

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has described as politically motivated the USs’ decision to freeze the construction of GLONASS signal calibration stations…

May 2014 | No Comment

The region of Balkan Peninsula and in particular, the territory of Bulgaria characterizes with active tectonics and seismotectonics. A number of geological, geophysical and geodetic investigations demonstrate the recent activity of the region, and have tried to give a reasonable…

May 2014 | No Comment

After years of development, as the representative of GNSS, GPS technology has been gradually replacing the conventional triangulation techniques and has become the main means of access to ground control point coordinates. From the initial decimeter magnitude to the current sub-centimeter or even millimeter level, the coordinate precision of ground points has been highly improved upon…

Mar 2014 | No Comment

From 1992 to 2011, air traffic grew by approximately 72% in Germany [1] which is equivalent to a yearly increase of about 4%. As air traffic continuously increases, ground infrastructure like airports, number of runways and necessary capacity of air traffic routes need to grow too.

Mar 2014 | No Comment

After the recent landmark achievement of certification of Indian SBAS System GAGAN for RNP 0.1 operations, India is hosting two back to back high-level technical meetings i.e. 4th Ionospheric Study Task Force (ISTF/4) under the aegis of ICAO and the 26th Interoperability Working group in New Delhi , providing further impetus to harmonized development of Satellite Based Navigation systems across the world.

Feb 2014 | No Comment

The solar activity generates Electromagnetic radiations and Energetic Charged Particles in addition to the Galactic Cosmic Radiation that directly impact the earth magnetosphere and then the ionosphere.