Articles in the Applications Category
To successfully operationalize PPPs in land administration, it is critical to examine and assess the commercial feasibility of each proposed transaction inclusion
Tony Burns
Co-Founder of Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia
Fletcher Wright
Managing Director, Planet Partnerships, United States of America
Kate Fairlie
Land administration specialist, Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia
Kate Rickersey
Managing Director, Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia
It’s all the buzz, …
At its November 2021 meeting, the ITU-R Study Group 4 considered and agreed on a package of three ITU-R Recommendations on radionavigation-satellite service (RNSS) systems as listed below.
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1787-3 – Description of systems and networks in the radionavigation-satellite service (spaceto- Earth and space-to-space) and technical characteristics of transmitting space stations operating …
Spatial relations are explicitly modelled using spatial weighting matrices which can be applied to the dependent, independent or error terms in regressions
Eduardo Zegarra
Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), Lima, Perú
The potential existence of spatial dependencies in land use and irrigation access in mountainous areas like the Peruvian Andes is a relevant issue for designing …
This paper highlights amusing research related to the animal kingdom, improving our understanding of animal behaviour, ecology and conservation, often by employing spatial tools and innovative approaches to data collection and analysis.
Volker Janssen
Publications Officer, Association of Public Authority Surveyors (APAS), New South Wales, Australia
This is the fourth in a series of papers celebrating some of …
The geospatial information in digital format generated under the projects were inputs to other land administration processes which significantly improved the delivery of services, access and transparency while contributing to a more reliable, efficient and effective land administration and management system
Richard Oput
Land Administration/ Geomatics Consultant, Uganda
Uganda got a new Constitution in 1995 which had fundamental …
The paper analyzes the implementation process, provides an overview of the preexisting problems and discusses the means on how the Pilot Project has addressed the shortcomings
Elene Grigolia
Blockchain Consultant LMD Component Manager World Bank Funded Project “ILMD” National Agency of Public Registry, Georgia
Teimuraz Gabriadze
Senior Legal Consultant Irrigation and Land Market Development Project National Agency of Public …
This paper outlines the innovative Property Business Registration System (PBRS) project to migrate separate deeds and titles registers into a single land information system and discuss some of the practical aspects
Mark A Griffin
IGN FI, Trinidad and Tobago
Carol Roffer
IGN FI, Trinidad and Tobago
Karen Bridgewater
Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, Trinidad and Tobago
Nicole Moonan
Ministry of …
In this paper, we present the main features of a new class of emerging DBMSs, namely NoSQL and NewSQL, from the data management perspective with a particular focus on distributed computing and share-nothing architecture
Zdravko Galic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Applied Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. GeoSpatial Systems Consulting, Vienna, Austria
For over four …
As Christopher Alexander conceived and defined through his life’s work – The Nature of Order – wholeness is a recursive structure that recurs in space and matter and is reflected in human minds and cognition. Based on the definition of wholeness, a mathematical model of wholeness, together with its topological representation…