Mar 2019 | No Comment

Terra Drone launch its India operations
Terra Drone Corporation has ventured into the Indian market with the establishment of Terra Drone India. With its headquarters in Japan and presence in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and Latin America, Terra Drone is one of the largest industrial UAV companies in the world. Its associate company, Terra …

Mar 2019 | No Comment

TCarta wins contract to Map Seafloor around Kiribati
TCarta Marine has been contracted by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) to provide a baseline dataset of water depths and seafloor classification around the Republic of Kiribati. Located in the Pacific Ocean, the island nation is threatened by rising sea levels.
TCarta won the open bid …

Mar 2019 | No Comment

Geosciences, along with many other professional fields, have been deeply impacted during the past couple of decades…

Mar 2019 | No Comment

Various 3D imaging techniques have been developed during the past few decades in order to meet the increasing requirements of industrial and social applications…

Mar 2019 | No Comment

Photogrammetry techniques become easier, faster and cheaper now due to technological developments for mapping [1], [5]…

Mar 2019 | No Comment

Finland is a European hub for mineral exploration and mine development. Nickel, zinc, copper, chrome and gold form Finland’s most significant metal mineral resources. Metal, industrial mineral, and rock mines can be…

Mar 2019 | No Comment

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global strategy with the focuses of 17 global issues, covering the hunger and poverty, life and prosperity, work and living conditions…

Mar 2019 | No Comment

What is an “epoch” and how does this cause a GPS Week Rollover issue?

Feb 2019 | No Comment

Volume XV, Issue 2, February 2019



Assessment of GNSS real time kinematic relative positioning accuracy based on NTRIP data transmitted by the Brazilian CORS Network (RBMC-IP)

S A V Chachá and L P S Fortes

Aerial sensor technology: Major advances in efficiency and quality

Alexander Wiechert

Indian government announces drone policy 2.0

Maritime Augmented Reality

Odd Sveinung Hareide and Thomas Porathe

Why do …

Feb 2019 | No Comment


Data colonies
The nature of data are changing
And so are the methods of data gathering.
In this digital era,
Not only our personal information are accumulated, with or without consent
But our behavioral patterns, thought processes, etc.
are tracked, documented and exploited.
Benefits of the digital technology are immense
And we happen to be incidental …