Jul 2019 | No Comment

ISRO establishes new public sector company
Indian Space Organisation ISRO establishes NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), a new public sector undertaking (PSU) to exploit the research and development work of the space agency, coproduce PSLV and launch satellites through SSLVs, reports PTI.
The main task of this PSU will involve the transfer of small technology to …

Jul 2019 | No Comment

NASA launches a Deep Space Atomic Clock
NASA launches Deep Space Atomic Clock on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched on June 24. It is similar to the atomic clocks found in GPS satellites but 50 times more stable. The technology will be a critical part of onboard navigation systems for future spacecraft and will …

Jul 2019 | No Comment

Where to plant a trillion trees to save planet Earth?
Restoration of forests has long been seen as a potential measure to combat climate change. The latest special report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggests that an increase of 1 billion hectares of forest will be necessary to limit global warming to 1.5°C …

Jul 2019 | No Comment

Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a versatile tool that has drawn attention among researchers in processing static and kinematic…

Jul 2019 | No Comment

For over 20 years, governments in developing and developed countries have invested worldwide on improving the certainty of rights, restrictions and responsibilities by implementing land tenure reform projects…

Jul 2019 | No Comment

Diurnal Total Electron Content (TEC) variations prior to Mw 6.2 Tajikistan Earthquake of 9th May 2018 were investigated for pre earthquake…

Jul 2019 | No Comment

Among the approximately 2.5 billion tonnes of solid waste produced globally in 2010, about 275 million tonnes was mismanaged plastic…

Jun 2019 | No Comment

Volume XV, Issue 6, June 2019



Privacy and ethics under the gaze of eyes in the sky

George Cho

Advancement in GNSS technology in India

Sanat K Biswas

Building a low cost long range mapping drone

Sasanka L Madawalagama, Hiroshi Inoue, Chathumal M Weththasinghe Arachchige , Manzul K Hazarika, Kavinda Gunasekara, Treshan N Perera and Manuka P Gunasekara

Driving force of historically …

Jun 2019 | No Comment


Protecting privacy
When a trade off is made
Between convenience and personal information
We not only underestimate the value of the information
But many a times underestimate its potential exploitation, as well
And we do not realize when and how
The technology that otherwise is pushed as a facilitator,
Turns into a surveillance tool.
Is it true that in bio-techno sphere
Where we live …