GIS News


May 2020 | No Comment

Esri India continues support to the users amid COVID-19 spread

Esri India is geared up to provide remote technical support. The technical support engineers are operating from their homes but will be able to take calls on the tollfree number, respond to emails or web based technical support requests within its standard response times. As part of the global Disaster Response Program (DRP), Esri India is providing the ArcGIS Hub Coronavirus Response template at no cost through a complimentary six-month ArcGIS Online subscription with ArcGIS Hub.

Esri offers students free access to software

Esri will provide free access to its ArcGIS platform and learning resources through the website to support college and university students who no longer have access to campus computer labs during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Students will receive access to ArcGIS Online and over 20 apps including ArcGIS Pro, along with a library of lessons to continue their learning and complete courses. Access is available globally to students ages 18 and over.

PAR Government Systems introduces commercial version of GV3.0

PAR Government Systems (“PAR Government”) has re-launched the popular GV3.0® raster imagery and full-motion video viewing package as a commercial product. The new release is an enhanced version of the GV3.0 geospatial visualization tool once available only to the U.S. Defense and Intelligence, and GEOINT community.

Originally developed by PAR Government as a government-off-the-shelf (GOTS) application, GV3.0 is used to view raster imagery and full-motion video typically captured by geospatial collection sensors aboard aircraft, drones and satellites. A stand-alone application, GV3.0 reads many data files common in the GIS and GEOINT communities, including the National Imagery Transmission Format


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