
Mar 2011 | No Comment

The Indian Naval Hydrographic Department, with its rich traditions in the field of hydrography, wide ranging experience, a good infrastructure coupled with an excellent Human Resource, has the entire requisite wherewithal to be ranked amongst the best in the world. This has not happened overnight; the initial foundations have been laid by our predecessors and we who man and run the department now have been blessed by a good beginning. In the last five years, we have only added on to its already established stature.

Mar 2011 | No Comment

Best practice implementations needs to reflect experience: with cost effective world leading operational national systems; several generations of change i.e. experience with different models of private sector and public sector collaboration; in creating and extending systems of policy, regulation and governance; of the affects of different governance regimes, cultures and from international programmes. They therefore need to cover:

Feb 2011 | No Comment

Continuous high precision navigation
Multisystem real time precise-point-positioning
Seamless WLAN/GPS hybrid localization
SDI framework

Feb 2011 | No Comment

“The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said, ‘This is mine,’ and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society.” (from Discours sur l’Origine et le Fondement de l’Inégalité Parmi les Hommes, 1754, – Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Feb 2011 | No Comment

Around the transit area between the indoor and outdoor environments of buildings, it is anticipated that the number of available measurements may not be sufficient for localization and the undesirable non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and multipath errors would severely deteriorate the localization accuracy. To estimate user location reliably where measurements from global positioning system (GPS) receivers are corrupted or not available, network-based methods have been actively investigated.

Feb 2011 | No Comment

Nowadays, a growing number of GNSS users demand highly-accurate positioning with minimal latency. PPP is a new positioning technique providing centimeter-level error. Precise Point Positioning (PPP) processes measurements from a single user receiver, using detailed physical models and corrections, and precise GNSS orbit and clock products computed beforehand.

Feb 2011 | No Comment

March 2011
International Hydrographic Seminar
3 – 4 March
Delhi, India

15-18 March
Moscow, EcoCentre Sokolniki

Feb 2011 | No Comment

In the so called Tri-Valley Universityí in California, USA.
Students were allegedly duped and framed.
Now, tagged with GPS ankle-bracelets.
By the officials of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Why so?

Feb 2011 | No Comment

In a modern mobile mapping system, the navigation component usually consists of a GPS receiver and an inertial navigation system (INS), which can provide accurate geo-referencing to the imaging sensors [1][2]. To achieve centimetre-level positioning accuracy, RTK-GPS is a natural choice. However, RTK-GPS in urban areas suffers from frequent outages due to blockages of either the GPS signals or the reference station radio links. In addition, multipath from buildings, trees and heavy vehicles could degrade the accuracy of the GPS when the vehicle is near them.

Feb 2011 | No Comment

NRSC inducts state of the art Airborne Large Format Digital Camera into service
National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad, India has inducted state of the art Airborne Large Format Digital Camera (LFDC) into the country and successfully carried out the first operational task during December, 2010 over 10 towns in Chhattisgarh state for the Department of Land Records, Government of Chhattisgarh. NRSC utilized it Super King Air B -200 aircraft fitted with Computer Controlled Navigation System (CCNS), Gyro stabilized mount and Kinematic GPS system (KGPS) for the survey.