
Dec 2018 | No Comment

A digital ledger is a geographically distributed database that is shared and synchronized across a network by consensus of the network participants…

Nov 2018 | No Comment

In Sub-Saharan Africa, and also in many developing regions, there are numerous activities for land tenure recording; however, the results are deviating from the experts’ expectations…

Sep 2018 | No Comment

The world is facing an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disaster events. Events which, when they strike, threaten the social, environmental and financial foundations of communities. And while these events cannot be prevented, their impacts can be limited…

Oct 2017 | No Comment

Report of the UN-GGIM Academic Network Forum

On 31 July 2017, the UN-GGIM Academic Network, in close collaboration with and the support of UN-Expert Group on Land Administration and Management, UN-GGIM Private …

Nov 2016 | No Comment

Zanzibar has a very high population density of 500 per sq. km, in a land area 2,650 sq. km. This ratio is alarming when it comes to actual development planning. After the 1964 Political Revolution, a number of land reforms were instituted aimed at changing …

May 2015 | No Comment

China’s land registration has a very long history. According to archaeological discoveries, at least in Western Zhou Dynasty (9th century BC

Apr 2015 | No Comment

Himachal Pradesh has been experiencing massive growth in hydel electricity projects during the last two decades or so. It was mainly on account of successive state government’s policy and emphasis on harnessing the hydel power potential of the state. As Himachal Pradesh…

Apr 2015 | No Comment

Designing Land Registry-Cadastre Data Theme (TRGIS.TK) is presented and discussed in this study. This data theme is one of the base geo-data themes…

Jan 2014 | No Comment

Potential conflicts between customary and / or informal systems of land tenure with the state supported formal systems of land registration are an issue in many developing regions. Africa presents a significant challenge because the traditional authorities (chiefs, clans, families etc.)

May 2013 | No Comment

Fundamental to the challenges facing the reform of the Indonesian land sector is that it lacks a comprehensive land law. All land in Indonesia falls into one of two categories: (i) forest estate (kawasan hutan); and (ii) non-forest estate (Areal Pengunan Lain, APL). As such, land is administered under a dual system through two different government agencies, the Ministry of Forestry (MoFor) and the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, BPN) responsible for forestry and non-forestry lands, respectively.