Articles in the Navigation Category

Apr 2019 | No Comment

The number of people killed in pleasure craft accidents in Norway has been relatively stable for the last 10 years ranging between 38 and 24. In 2015 the number was 37 and in 2016, 27 (Berntsen, 2017). The reduction in deaths by 2016…

Feb 2019 | No Comment

The maritime industry has been through a paradigm shift with the introduction of electronic navigation…

Jan 2019 | No Comment

Navigation should be de defined not only “to move from point to point decided” but also “entirely to establish the decided Mission including…

Sep 2018 | No Comment

Picture this – In a not so distant future, you are a self-employed small business owner selling organic homemade lip balm through e-commerce sites like Amazon or Flipkart. You wake up in the morning to see that a customer across your city has placed a large…

Jul 2018 | No Comment

Islands have been used as a base to establish facilities to support maritime operations. Japan had established a military radar facility on…

Dec 2017 | One Comment

In the past few years, Mobile Mapping System (MMS) has been widely used in Geomatics engineering. Using various mapping sensors, such as Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), camera and high resolution visible sensors, geospatial information can be…

Nov 2017 | No Comment

GNSS signals are very weak when received on the surface of the Earth and that makes them susceptible to a particular set of vulnerabilities – for example, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), signal spoofing and atmospheric events…

May 2017 | No Comment

The history has shown a continuous increase in year to year accidents at sea. In the near future, higher traffic density is estimated…

Aug 2016 | No Comment

The increased use of technology and more advanced Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) has changed the focus of the Navigator…

Jun 2016 | No Comment

Gravity-Aided Inertial Navigation System (GAINS), which, as its names implies, is using the priori information of gravity field as the auxiliary information to bind the accumulation of positioning error…