Articles in the His Coordinates Category

Dec 2017 | No Comment

says Stuart Woods, Vice President, Geospatial Solutions Division, Leica Geosystems AG in an interview with Coordinates…

How does 3-D capture technologies help to ‘understand infrastructures’ better?
The world is not flat. By working with 3-D technologies, we are able to represent our world in a model which best approximates reality. This enables us to compare to …

Nov 2017 | No Comment

says Alexander Wiechert, CEO of Vexcel Imaging in an interview with Coordinates..

What is unique about Ultracam Panther?
The UltraCam Panther is a versatile, portable Mobile Mapping System. It carries complementary sensors to capture full-spherical imagery and video, dense 3D LiDAR point clouds and precise geopositioning information in both indoor and outdoor environments.
The UltraCam Panther’s …

Nov 2017 | No Comment

Dr Jayanta Kumar Ray

Vice President – GNSS and Aerospace Electronics, Accord Software & Systems Pvt Ltd India shares his thoughts on issues and possibilities of GNSS in India

Your vision is “Innovative Information Technology Solutions for a better world”. Explain how your products and solutions are aligned with the vision statement.
Accord has been striving to …

Apr 2017 | No Comment

The Initial Services are the services offered by the Galileo satellite navigation system which became operational in December 2016: Open Service, Public Regulated Service and Search and Rescue Service. These services are provided according to pre-defined performances…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

No, not at all. It has been very much a live entity devoted to facilitating provision of discovery and access to spatial data sets captured by different partnering agencies of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

Vexcel Imaging GmbH, Microsoft’s UltraCam Business Unit, is undergoing an ownership change planned for early March 2016. After ten years contributing to Microsoft as a subsidiary, next month Vexcel Imaging GmbH will again become an independent company upon its expected acquisition by a private investor group.

Apr 2016 | No Comment

Hi-Target catch-phrase is ‘ Surveying the world, Mapping the future’. Could you please elaborate the thought behind it?

Feb 2016 | No Comment

The standard for productivity in 3D Laser Scanning extrapolates to a few key factors: area coverage, point density and spatial accuracy. The total workflow to produce…

Jan 2016 | No Comment

The Geospatial Division includes a diverse set of solutions for geospatial data capture and analysis. The solutions range from all types of GNSS devices to total stations and laser scanners, from mobile…

Nov 2015 | One Comment

Survey Department, under the Ministry of Land Reform and Management, is the National Mapping Organization (NMO) of Nepal. The Department is responsible…