Articles in the His Coordinates Category

Takeyasu SAKAI
Principal Researcher, Navigation Systems Department, Electronic Navigation Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, Japan while sharing the status and prospects of QZSS and MSAS programmes
Please update us with the status of QZSS.
Following QZS-1 launched in 2010, additional three satellites has been launched in 2017 to complete the initial constellation of …
says Stuart Woods, Vice President, Geospatial Solutions Division, Leica Geosystems AG in an interview with Coordinates…
How does 3-D capture technologies help to ‘understand infrastructures’ better?
The world is not flat. By working with 3-D technologies, we are able to represent our world in a model which best approximates reality. This enables us to compare to …
says Alexander Wiechert, CEO of Vexcel Imaging in an interview with Coordinates..
What is unique about Ultracam Panther?
The UltraCam Panther is a versatile, portable Mobile Mapping System. It carries complementary sensors to capture full-spherical imagery and video, dense 3D LiDAR point clouds and precise geopositioning information in both indoor and outdoor environments.
The UltraCam Panther’s …

Dr Jayanta Kumar Ray
Vice President – GNSS and Aerospace Electronics, Accord Software & Systems Pvt Ltd India shares his thoughts on issues and possibilities of GNSS in India
Your vision is “Innovative Information Technology Solutions for a better world”. Explain how your products and solutions are aligned with the vision statement.
Accord has been striving to …
Vexcel Imaging GmbH, Microsoft’s UltraCam Business Unit, is undergoing an ownership change planned for early March 2016. After ten years contributing to Microsoft as a subsidiary, next month Vexcel Imaging GmbH will again become an independent company upon its expected acquisition by a private investor group.