Articles in the GNSS Category


Mar 2015 | No Comment

The present Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) world infrastructure is mainly based on the American Global Positioning System (GPS), complemented by other Global Navigation Satellite Systems, such as the Russian GLONASS and the forthcoming European Galileo and Chinese Beidou…

Feb 2015 | No Comment

The motion picture “Gravity” begins with a series of cascading failures. The destruction of one satellite creates orbiting debris. This debris sweeps through space destroying multiple satellites…

Dec 2014 | No Comment

Over the recent past, the vulnerability of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to interference has become a concerning issue (Mitch, 2011), (Pullen, 2012). Nowadays, illegal portable jamming devices are becoming popular to protect the user from being tracked by GNSS in their vehicle. These so-called personal privacy devices radiate different types of interference signals in the GNSS frequency bands and can make conventional receivers inoperable. Counter measures have to be taken to prevent strong interference from blocking the GNSS-receivers for safety critical applications.

Nov 2014 | No Comment

At the present the society is dependent on accurate and reliable Position, Velocity and Time (PVT) information acquired using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). GNSS signals travel a long way from the satellite transmitter to the user receiver antenna on the Earth…

Sep 2014 | No Comment

When looking at the timeline of technology of today’s consumer electronics, there are several interesting connections with technology and associated infrastructure originally (at least partly) developed in the cont ext of DoD funded projects. Large-scale integration of this technology into consumer electronics created an economy of scale that is unmatched, enabling capabilities and services that otherwise may have been prohibitive due to cost.

Aug 2014 | No Comment

On March 2, 2011, the ESSP declared EGNOS’ Safety of Life (SoL) signal officially available for aviation with the authorization from the European Commission (EC) to provide the service. From that moment on the EGNOS SoL service was provided openly and freely accessible without any direct charge…

Jul 2014 | No Comment

In Korea, technologies on WA-DGNSS (Wide area differential GNSS) has been being jointly developed by a consortium of universities and research organization in order to construct the system in the near future (Ho Yun et al., 2011 and Ho Yun et al., 2011). WA-DGNSS

Jul 2014 | No Comment

In the late 1990s, while the European Union was defining what services Galileo would offer, two access-controlled services were defined: CAS1 (Control Access Service 1) and CAS2. CAS1 later became the Commercial Service (CS), and CAS2 the Public-Regulated Service (PRS).

Jun 2014 | No Comment

The successful development of receivers, application technologies and services is a key requirement for the commercial success of the European Satellite Navigation System Galileo.

May 2014 | No Comment

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has described as politically motivated the USs’ decision to freeze the construction of GLONASS signal calibration stations…