Feb 2019 | No Comment

March 2019

2019 URSI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference

9 – 15 March New Delhi, India


Munich Satellite Navigation Summit

25 – 27 March
Munich, Germany


Land and Poverty Conference 2019

25 – 29 March
Washington, DC, USA


April 2019

Commercial UAV Expo Europe

8-10 April
Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Pacific PNT

8-11, April
Honolulu, HI USA


European Navigation Conference 2019

9 – 12 April
Warsaw, Poland


FIG Working Week 2019

22 – 26 April
Hanoi, Vietnam



Feb 2019 | No Comment

Patrick O’Connor

Australia-Pacific Regional Sales Director, Carlson Software

Would you like to explain the key features of Carlson NR3 GNSS receiver?
The key features of the Carlson NR3 GNSS receiver is its high quality and proven GNSS board-set, its super lightweight design making it a perfect candidate to operate on GSM mobile networks, with its removable, hot …

Feb 2019 | No Comment

Horizon, the new high performance IMU by SBG Systems
SBG Systems has released, the Horizon IMU, a FOG-based high performance inertial measurement unit (IMU) designed to high demanding surveying applications such as high altitude data collection, or mobile mapping in very dense areas such as urban canyons.
Navsight Land/Air Solution already offered two levels of …

Feb 2019 | No Comment

FARO® releases SCENE 2019
FARO® has announced the release of SCENE 2019, an advanced, integrated software platform that optimizes the FARO Focus Laser Scanner product family. SCENE 2019 is specifically designed to evolve the 3D reality capture, analysis and documentation experience across the public safety forensics segment for crash, crime, fire and security planning and …

Feb 2019 | No Comment

Galileo E6-B/C codes now available
With Galileo services such as highaccuracy service (HAS) and commercial authentication service on E6-B/C signal coming around the corner, the European GNSS Service Centre (GSC) has made available the main specifications of the Galileo E6-B and E6-C codes to the User Community.
The GSC just published “Galileo E6-B/C Codes Technical …

Feb 2019 | No Comment

3D LiDAR sensor by SOS LAB
SOS LAB has introduced its new and improved 3D LiDAR sensor to the international market recently. In addition to their 3D hybrid LiDAR for autonomous vehicles, SOS LAB displayed their 2D scanning LiDAR for auto-guided vehicles and drones, and their 2D solidstate LiDAR, used in security systems to detect …

Feb 2019 | No Comment

Google Maps inaccuracies driving tourists away
Tourism operators in Australia’s vast outback say wild inaccuracies in Google Maps are making remote hot spots appear out of reach, deterring people from visiting the region.
A number of businesses promoting their small towns as remote tourist destinations in the northeastern state of Queensland complain of cases where …

Feb 2019 | No Comment

Lockheed Martin looking forward to explore GPS III capabilities
Lockheed Martin launched its first GPS III satellite and confirms that the unit is communicating efficiently with ground-control operators.
The GPS III program involves new ground stations and new, higher-power satellites, with additional navigation signals for both civilian and military users, and aims to improve the …

Feb 2019 | No Comment

The National Monuments Service in Ireland is using high-resolution aerial photography from Bluesky to map and investigate a giant…

Feb 2019 | No Comment

Use of civilian drones in Germany
A study by the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) has now revealed that there is clear approval in Germany for the use of civilian drones in civil protection, rescue missions and research work. However, flights for advertising, leisure and parcel delivery purposes are still viewed …