Jul 2021 | No Comment

Real-time, location-based innovation for TCS DigiFleet
HERE Technologies has partnered with Tata Consultancy Services(TCS) to bring real-time location-based services and analytics to its IoT-enabled SaaS suite, TCS DigiFleet, which leverages IoT, AI, and machine learning to address global logistics challenges. Powered by the HERE location platform, the enhanced fleet and freight management solution will enable …

Jul 2021 | No Comment

Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio win contract for Sicral 3
Thales Alenia Space, the joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), and Telespazio, the joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%), have signed a contract with the Italian Ministry of Defense, represented by TELEDIFE / Secretariat General of Defense, for the development of …

Jul 2021 | No Comment

IMCA publishes guidelines on the use of GNSS for tide calculations
The International Marine Contractors Association’s (IMCA) newly published ‘Guidelines on the use of GNSS for tide calculations’ (IMCA S 027) provides an overview of how Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can assist in more accurate real-time direct measurement of tidal changes.
As Nick Hough, …

Jul 2021 | No Comment

National security missions for the Australian DoD supported by Maxar
Maxar Technologies has delivered 3D data products and high-resolution satellite imagery to the Australian Department of Defence under recent multi-million-dollar contracts.
Maxar’s 3D data suite enhances situational awareness and decision-making for military applications. The 3D data suite includes a 3D Surface Model, which provides a high-fidelity, positionally …

Jul 2021 | No Comment

From times immemorial, the cities, agriculture and culture evolved along the rivers. Among various Delhi’s, Shahjahanabad (17th Century), was built along the river Yamuna, a 1370 km long river emanating from the Himalayas and merging into the River Ganga at Prayag. However, with indiscriminate urbanisation River Yamuna in Delhi…

Jul 2021 | No Comment

The objective of this article is to share the knowledge of alternative way of geoid determination with incorporating a high resolution GGM, terrain and GPS/levelling data

Dr H M I Prasanna

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Geomatics, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, P.O. Box 02, Belihuloya, 70140, Sri Lanka

Development of GGMs
With the advent of new gravity dedicated satellite …

Jul 2021 | No Comment

The paper describes a method for improving the coordinates of hydrological stations using the GNSS. Traditional methods of determining the coordinates of level posts are analyzed in this work. The requirements for the accuracy and installation of geodetic points of level posts are given. A scheme of the GNSS network of the coastal zone…

Jul 2021 | No Comment

The Australian Height Datum (AHD) is Australia’s first and only legal vertical datum, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The adjustment of the Australian National Levelling Network (ANLN) in May 1971 provided, for the first time, a nationwide network of physical AHD heights (Roelse et al., 1975).

Jun 2021 | No Comment

Volume XVII, Issue 5, May 2021

Assessment of GNSS-based systems for railways safety

Ernst Phillip Mrohs, Sravan Machiraju and Matthias Aichinger-Rosenberger

Australian Height Datum: Celebrating 50 years

Volker Janssen and Simon McElroy

Alexander’s wholeness as the scientific foundation of sustainable urban design and planning

Bin Jiang

My Coordinates




Advertisers in this Issue :

GPSat …

Jun 2021 | No Comment


As the Covid-19 virus keep surging again and again,
The world rushes to get vaccinated.
And some saw and see opportunities in many ways,
There are many, who contributed to the crisis,
There are few who rival for credits and occupying market share.
Hence, my vaccine is better than yours!
Though the debate is understandable …