
Nov 2005 | Comments Off on Innovations 1983 and 1996

Tidal Modeling for GPS Positioning –

In …

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on After Y2K concerns, where are we with our calendar?

The Tropical or Mean Solar year consists of 365.24219879 mean solar days (dM) in which the Earth goes round the Sun. We use mean year and days as the actual year and days are not constant in their duration or they both fl uctuate. The length of the Tropical Year (TY) is measured by the time interval between successive appearances of the Sun in the vernal equinox.

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on Building relationships

11th Technology summit strengthens Indo-Canadian relationship. 21-22 September 2005 New Delhi

The 11th Technology Summit and …

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on Positioning the cadastral maps in LIS

The three prime entities that are involved in the maintenance of Land information system (LIS) are the Department of Revenue, Department of Survey, Settlement and Land Records, and Offi ce of land registration. In addition to this, the appropriate municipal or village administrative unit is also involved. This is the convention in many states in India. The land records in India, do not provide ultimate title to property. In other words we need a system of effi cient maintenance of land records which is essential for protection of land rights of several millions of people in the country. Land has been one of the most sought after possessions in developing countries such as ours, wherein, the land holding has socio economic significance and status. Thus there is a need to develop an integrated LIS. A lot can be said and discussed about various activities and issues that are being dealt to create a LIS in different parts of the country. There are some success stories in Karnataka and some efforts of Governments in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Dubai Municipality launches three-dimensional Dubai guide
Dubai Municipality has recently developed an electronic, threedimensional guide for the Emirate of Dubai for the purpose of government departments and private sector establishments. According to Mohammed Al Zaffi ne, Director of the municipality’s GIS Centre which oversaw the guide’s preparation in cooperation with French Concept Digital Solutions, a private firm, the guide would offer 3-D modelling of the whole emirate of Dubai. He added that the guide would offer an interactive 3-dimentional view of the emirate of Dubai and a virtual movement within the emirate is also possible. Visitors can easily fi nd addresses in the emirate and they can spot registered companies and obtain their telephone numbers. Contributing companies can also display their services and products in the guide, in addition to hotels, shopping malls and other tourist landmarks.

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on Volume I, Issue 5, October 2005
May issue

The conceptual intelligent navigator KAI-WEI CHIANG AND NASER EL-SHEIMY
Make maps quickly P MISRA
Large scale topographical mapping for Republic of Maldives V RAGHU VENKATARAMAN, P SRINIVAS,
Positioning the cadastral maps in LIS IV
After Y2K concerns, where are we with our calendar? MUNEENDRA KUMAR

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on Make maps quickly

Seven out of ten customers of surveys and mapping who talk to the suppliers (consulting fi rms of surveying agencies) demand their maps to be delivered `yesterday’(!) or indeed as early as possible. These customers are `decision-makers’ who have taken some months (if not years) to come to the demand level! Same is the situation in respect of the tenders in mapping discipline. All the risks and uncertainties are put on the door of the suppliers / contractors. One should realize that although the surveying and mapping process never costs more than 1 or 2 percent of total budget, the same is not true when it comes to the time taken for the mapping project. The fact is that many projects are delayed just because the survey data of right quality and proper map was not made available to the engineer / planner.

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on CLASSROOM GEODESY

The Coordinates Class room espouse readers to graticules of Mathematics and Physics that epitomize the Geospatial Information Technology. A chain of structured presentations related to interdisciplinary principles that define Geodesy, GPS, GIS, Geospatial data management and Image processing are to be en suite in this section in each issue of the Coordinates. Initially the chain …

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on Large scale topographical mapping for Republic of Maldives

The National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad, India has carried out mapping of entire Maldives at 1:25000 and sixteen selected islands at 1:1000 scale for the fi rst time in the history of Maldives

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF)

The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) “yy” is a realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), where the “yy” represents the year of the solutions. Since its fi rst realization in 1988, there have been many variations and additions in use of data types and changes in computational strategy.
International Earth …