
Jan 2011 | No Comment

A very interesting feature of the transmitter approach is the possibility to locate transmitters underneath the receiver. The transmitter-based approach is an indoor positioning method, based on the use of a local infrastructure, aiming to provide accuracies of 1 to 2 meters. The GNSS signals are received by an outdoor antenna located in a place with an unobstructed view of the satellites. Note that another possibility is to use a GNSS signal generator (generating one or 4 satellites) instead of the outdoor antenna.

Jan 2011 | No Comment

March 15 – 18
Moscow, Russia
The GEOFORM+ Forum takes place in Moscow and is the leading trade fair for the latest technology and equipment to build projects and works in the field of geodesy, geology, mapping, geophysics (fishing, nuclear, exploration and environmental), global navigation satellite systems, minerals and farm land, as well as in related subject …

Jan 2011 | No Comment

3 – 4 March 2011
Delhi, India


Jan 2011 | No Comment

April 27-29, 2011
Novosibirsk, Russia
New government programs focused on enhancing growth of civil and industrial construction sector and environmental economics regulation instigates a demand of Geographical Information Systems and newest equipment implementation and high qualified staff training in all geo-industry. For the first time International specialized forum “GEO-Siberia” joined the exhibition and Scientific Congress was held …

Jan 2011 | No Comment

A brief outline of the three segments – User Segment, Space Segment and Ground Segment necessary for
implementation of an SBAS system over the Indian airspace. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Member States have endorsed Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) as a primary future system for aviation. GNSS provides world-wide coverage for seamless aircraft navigation. Satellite transmission along with ground enhancement will enable the users to perform on-board position determination for enroute, terminal, non-precision and precision approaches.

Jan 2011 | No Comment

The global market for GNSS will grow significantly over the next decade, reaching some about €244 billion for the enabled GNSS market in 2020. GNSS market forecasting is of great interest to private and public GNSS stakeholders, for business and strategic planning and policymaking. According to the 2010 GNSS Market Monitoring report published by The European GNSS Agency (GSA), the global market for GNSS will grow significantly over the next decade, reaching some €244 billion for the enabled GNSS market in 2020. Delivery of GNSS devices will exceed one billion per year by 2020. Mobile location based services (LBS) and Road will be the market sectors with the highest revenue generation.

Jan 2011 | No Comment

According to the report……, “Despite significant growth since 2006, significant untapped potential remains.” Would you like to elaborate on this?

According to the forecast based on available information sources and which involved several market experts, the global GNSS revenues are still expected to grow at a double digit CAGR in the 2010 – 2020 period. This growth will come from both new applications and expansion of current products and services. In terms of penetration, the biggest impact will come from LBS since GNSS is still only in a small portion of today’s mobile phones. Regarding new applications, there are countless examples such as ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). As for GNSS R&D initiatives in the context of the EU 7FP program of the European Commission, being delegated to the GSA, there is a surge of GNSS technology projects proposing creative applications such as using combined radar and satellite navigation technologies to create maps of coastal areas. Advances in EGNOS and Galileo will accelerate these developments.

Jan 2011 | No Comment

23-25 August 2011
Perth, Australia
Link to:

Jan 2011 | No Comment

15-18 May 2011
Abu Dhabi
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Jan 2011 | No Comment

9 – 11 May 2011
ANEC, Abu Dhabi
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