Aug 2016 | No Comment

The government’s plan to legalise the use of drones has hit a hurdle, with uncertainty over who will regulate these unmanned aerial vehicles that promise big commercial potential but are also seen as a threat to security and privacy by many.

Aug 2016 | No Comment

At the Gurgaon Secretariat, in Haryana, India, one often sees ageing village patwaris sitting along with young computer operators trying to reproduce maps, often in tattered shape, on computer screens.

Aug 2016 | No Comment

July saw the official launch of CityVerve, the UK’s demonstrator project in Manchester for large scale deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. ..

Aug 2016 | No Comment

The country’s maps are currently based on a standard called the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GAD94), which is more than 20 years old and ties map references to locations fixed on the Australian continent…

Aug 2016 | No Comment


Aug 2016 | No Comment

Talks are starting on integrating the GPS satellite constellations of the EU and Japan. It is hoped that an integrated constellation will help…

Aug 2016 | No Comment

Bentley Systems has announced general access to the latest release of ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center. This release enhances

Aug 2016 | No Comment

My Coordinates

Aug 2016 | No Comment

For security purposes and safe and flawless operation of the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) “Kozloduy” at the end of the last century it was given the task to build a monitoring system. As a major component of this system was to be built precise geodynamic…

Aug 2016 | No Comment

Our end users are used to GPS navigation, and expect the same service on indoors – a blue dot on their own mobile screen accurate to a few meters. Furthermore, they expect free and effortless service with low latency and low battery and data usage…