Dec 2016 | No Comment

Volume XII, Issue 12, December 2016

Dec 2016 | No Comment


Dec 2016 | No Comment

My Coordinates

Dec 2016 | No Comment

The Ribble Rivers Trust recently commissioned a bathymetry survey of a notable section of the riverbed…

Dec 2016 | No Comment

In its thirty eighth fl ight (PSLV-C36), ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle successfully launched the 1235 kg RESOURCESAT- 2A Satellite today morning (December 07, 2016) from Satish…

Dec 2016 | No Comment

Eos Systems, the developer of PhotoModeler, and Klau Geomatics, the developer of the KG PPK system, are launching an integrated and bundled system for high-accuracy survey for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) while using minimal or no ground control points….

Dec 2016 | No Comment


Dec 2016 | No Comment

An Arianespace-operated Ariane 5 rocket has launched four more satellites under the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Galileo…

Dec 2016 | No Comment

New weather datasets, which could prove highly valuable for weather forecasting and for longer term climate monitoring, have just been made available from the Space…

Dec 2016 | No Comment

The top legislature is considering amending the Surveying and Mapping Law to improve the management and sharing of China’s geological data, according to a statement…