The way we walk

Aug 2008 | No Comment

Alexandra Millonig

Classifying pedestrian behaviour for customised mobile information services.


Preliminary results of the first empirical phase indicate that a number of homogenous behaviour patterns can be observed, especially in consistent context situations. Further investigations using a non-disguised form of observation combined with detailed interviews include and currently test basic findings of the first analyses.

Further empirical analyses of more data during the currently ongoing second empirical phase as well as a careful examination of the results in different context situations during the final stage of the study are expected to lead to a comprehensive interpretation of pedestrian spatio-temporal behaviour. This can on the one hand be used in future mobile navigation services to provide customised route suggestions and location based information, and on the other hand also serve as a basis for determining parameters for pedestrian simulation models.


This work is part of the “UCPNavi” project, a cooperation project between the Vienna University of Technology and arsenal research, Vienna. The project is supported by the Austrian Funds for Scientific Research (FWF). The author would like to thank M. Ray (arsenal research) for developing the shadowing tool and N. Brändle (arsenal research) for his help and advice concerning data analysis. The digital map used in Figure 2 has been provided by Stadt Wien – ViennaGIS (



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Alexandra Millonig

Department for Geoinformation and Cartography
Vienna University of Technology Vienna, Austria
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Steve Berglund
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