His Coordinates, Interviews

“DiMAC Systems to provide a new approach to digital aerial cameras’’

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on “DiMAC Systems to provide a new approach to digital aerial cameras’’

Mr. Julien LOSSEAU, COO of Dimac Systems s.a.r.l. in an exclusive tete a tete with Coordinates magazine during ISPRS Congress in Beijing
According to him, DIMAC Systems truly believes that behind its mission and desire to offer a new product lies something even more significant: the will to provide a new approach to digital aerial cameras. This concept focuses on a simple, practical and dedicated device in which functionality and flexibility prevail over rigidity and complexity, with one purpose in mind: meeting the imagery acquisition needs of aerial photography companies. It is a customer focused provider of the cost effective DiMACULTRALiGHT and DiMACLiGHT, the medium format digital aerial cameras as well as the distinctive DiMACWiDE, a large format digital aerial camera. The development of the DiMAC has been based on over 20 years of experience in aerial cartography.

Following is excerpts of the interview

1. DIMAC cameras are based on ‘Technology with a difference’. Please elaborate.

dimacCompared to the other systems on the market, DiMAC SYSTEMS has developed its technology around upgradeability and modularity. It means that the same CCD sensors, set up in our camera modules can be installed in our medium size cameras (DiMAC ULTRALIGHT and DiMAC LIGHT) and in the large format camera (DiMAC WIDE). Our CCD sensors directly follow the evolution of the CCD technology also. The customer will only need to upgrade the individual camera modules as CCDs increase in size.

The TRUE COLOR and TRUE FMC technologies are very different too. We acquire the data without any need of post treatment in terms of FMC and color. Therefore, there is no loss of information. Our technology has a more straight forward architecture and thus also easy to use.

2. What edge DIMAC cameras have over other manufacturers of large format digital aerial camera?

• The modularity of the DiMAC architecture is one of the main advantages of our system. It allows different lenses and configurations for a best fit to particular project needs.

• It is also progressive: the customer can enter the digital market with one of our medium range models and upgrade it to a DiMAC WIDE whenever his needs grow.

• The exceptional TRUE COLOR system allows real, sharp and well balanced radiometry. Unlike other large format cameras, no pan sharpening is involved.

• Last, but not least, our large format system is the cheapest on the market.

3. What kind of applications are DIMAC cameras best suited for?

Due to the various choice of lenses offered by the DIMAC Systems, it really fits every mapping and ortho projects and provides the most suitable configuration for any dedicated projects. From small corridor mapping to large area missions, from high altitude jobs to very precise mapping, the DiMAC range can cover every type of project by adapting its architecture and configuration.

4. What is your opinion about the growth of aerial cartography market?

2 What is your opinion about the growth of aerial cartography market? How do you position yourself in the same. The aerial photography market has not even reached its maturity. There is huge demand for aerial products. The requirements are not exclusively for industrial use anymore but also for internet geared projects (Google Earth, Yellow Pages …). We start a new era where more applications are offered. The need of data is constantly increasing. In this scope the DiMAC, camera is well positioned. Its modularity scales for all kind of projects. Thanks to our wide portfolio of cameras (DiMAC ULTRALIGHT, DiMAC LIGHT, DiMAC WIDE), we make it easy for any company (small and large) to enter the digital market.

Furthermore, as CCD sensor technology evolves, DiMAC will easily stay on the edge of technology and provide a constant up to date product. New CCD sensors have just been announced by our manufacturers. They will directly be introduced into our camera modules to create an even larger image capture and allowing us to announce an even larger system, the DiMAC ULTRAWIDE.


Julien LOSSEAU COO, Dimac Systems

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