Articles tagged with: India

Digital twins will undoubtedly become a critical requirement for organizations and countries in the future.
Dr Siva Kumar Rachapudi
Managing Director SIBHU
There has been increased interest in Digital Twins (DT) in India, and the growth of startups in this domain is mushrooming. It is pertinent to understand the evolution of these technologies, which requires a comprehensive …

The article summarizes the uniqueness of the two fields stating definitions, differences, applications, and integration, and stresses a concerted effort to identify them as exclusive of each other
Dr Neeti Neeti
Associate Professor at Center for Climate Change and Sustainability, Azim Premji University
Dr Madhura Niphadkar
Consultant, Ecological Restoration, Wildlife Conservation Trust
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems are two …

The digital transformation in India has had a significant impact on the geospatial sector
Dr Siva Kumar Rachapudi
Managing Director SIBHU
Digital transformation (DT) is to use digital technologies in all processes, products and services of an organization. India made great strides in the recent times in DT as part of Digital India Initiative. Aadhaar and Digital …