
Managing land information

Aug 2007 | Comments Off on Managing land information

The effi ciency of Land Information Management System will be assessed by its capacity to meet the needs of the land managers and users in urban and rural areas

What is required?

The salient requirements will be:

Urban areas

In urban areas, the land value is quite high and the spatial data is multi-fold requiring different types of data for different purposes, which the LIMS should be able to generate from the information stored. Data collected to meet mapping standards on 1:1,000 scale with height accuracy of 0.5 meters should be suffi cient for most of the land management purposes. For example:-

* spatial data showing accurate footprints of buildings with road network will be required for Location Based Services (LBS), like telecom, gas, power, internet, cable TV, vendors etc. Geographical positional accuracy may not be of great importance, but relative positions should be sufficient.
* land use and attribute information needs to be incorporated for assessment of tax. This can be done by linking the plots with data base consisting the land use information.
* accurate plot information with ownership. (Figure -4)
* various surface infrastructure like power lines, communication network, telecom network etc., underground or subsurface information like, cables of different types, water supply, gas pipe-line, sewerage system etc., spatial information like number of stories in a building, telephone connections etc. are required accurately.
* Accurate information on land use for planning purposes.
* Demographic information for each owner connected through database
* Updated information almost every 6 months to one year.


Rural Area

In rural area the land value is not as high as urban areas. But, ownership details and plot measurements should be accurate to avoid disputes on ownership and boundary. Data collected to meet mapping standards on 1:5,000 scale with height accuracy of 2 metres should be suffi cient for most of the land management purposes. They should depict:-

* village boundaries with road connectivity information from village to village, for the country as a whole is required.
* accurate plot boundary information and ownership details. (Figure -2)
* Land use information connected through data base. (Figure -3)
* Soil, water, irrigation connected through data base for each plot.
* Demographic information connected through data base for each owner.
* Built up area with details of each building.
* Drainage, water supply, telecom, power supply information accurately depicted.
* Updated information for every 5 years.


Hilly and Forest areas

In hilly and forest areas, the land value is not that high. Data collected with mapping standards on 1:10,000 scale with height accuracy of 5 metres should be suffi cient to meet following needs:-

* Accurate boundary demarcation and depiction compatible with adjoining village boundary details.
* Forest management.
* Government /waste land management.
* Land use depiction connected through data base.
* Positionally accurate Communication facilities.
* Updation every 5-10 years.


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