Articles in the Articles Category

Nov 2017 | No Comment

Last year in Android Nougat, we introduced APIs for retrieving Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Raw measurements from Android devices. Last month, we publicly released GNSS Analysis Tools to process and analyze these measurements…

Nov 2017 | No Comment

Landslide comprises almost all the varieties of mass movements on slopes, rock falls, topples and debris flow that involve little or no sliding (Varnes and IAEG, 1984). Landslides are considered as a major natural geologic hazard occurring…

Nov 2017 | No Comment

Penggaron bridge is located in Semarang-Ungaran toll road, 20th kilometer in Susukan region, East Ungaran, Semarang. According to PT. Transmarga Central Java, The bridge is relatively new and actively used since 2010, but the bridge is visually deformed as indicated by small cracks in some pillars of the bridge.

Nov 2017 | No Comment

In general, our industry offers surveying and mapping services, survey equipment and GIS services. More recently it also provides BIM services. In the surveying and mapping, our industry offers data collection services, and at a higher level…

Nov 2017 | No Comment

GNSS signals are very weak when received on the surface of the Earth and that makes them susceptible to a particular set of vulnerabilities – for example, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), signal spoofing and atmospheric events…

Oct 2017 | No Comment


Facts and fictions
The booming fake content industry
Might be serving the immediate interests of the some
But will have long-term consequences,
Not only in terms of increasing distrust
For print and digital media – both
But also may have indelible marks
On unsuspecting minds.
The phenomenon will not be confined
To only political, social and …

Oct 2017 | No Comment

October 2017

Commercial UAV EXPO

24 – 26 October Las Vegas,USA

6th International Colloquium — Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS/Galileo

25 – 27 October Valencia, Spain

3D Australia Conference 2017

26 – 27 October Melbourne, Australia

ITS World Congress 2017

29 October – 2 November 2 Palais des congrès de Montréal, Quebec

November 2017


1 – 3 November Dehradun, India

The 7th …

Oct 2017 | No Comment

The Survey of Israel (SOI) conducts nation-wide geodetic monitoring and check-ups of all measurements conducted for numerous public interests…

Oct 2017 | No Comment

This article describes and evaluates the performance of two undergraduate student classes taking the Geomatics course…

Oct 2017 | No Comment

The proposal of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations in 2015 and the prominence of smart city projects in an era of accelerating urbanization…