Articles in the Mycoordinates Category
Terrified at what we saw through the electronic media; the agony and trauma that Mumbai underwent …

Engineering structures undergo deformation due to various kinds of static and dynamic loads. Thus, monitoring of structure, specifically large structures such as high-rise building, bridges, dams etc., is essential to ensure its safe deformation behavior. With multifold rise of traffic, to provide safety and to prevent disaster, it has become necessary to detect uncharacteristic deflections and vibrations of bridges. The instruments which are often used for measurement of defl ection such as
strain gauge, accelerometer, tiltmeter, vision system, optometer, laser gauge meter etc are often cumbersome as well as costly in implementation. Moreover, they suffer from one defi ciency or the other. Hence, there is a need for a method which is simple, economic yet provides accurate and reliable measurement.

The environment of a Municipal Information system has undergone a sea change over last few years. Couple of years back the requirements of information system was designed and projected primarily from the planners community. They were satisfi ed if the physical information was supplied on a scale of 1:5000/ 1:10,000.
We were taken aback.
We were taken aback when we were told by none other than the Wireless Advisor to Government …