Articles in the Innovation Category

“I always read that the world, land and water, was spherical… Now I observed so much divergence, that I began to hold different views about the world and I found it was not round…. but pear shaped, round except where it has a nipple, for there it is taller, or as one had a round ball and, on one side, it should be like a woman’s breast, and this nipple part is the highest and closest to Heaven….” – Kenneth C. Davis New York Times Best Seller “Don’t know much about Geography” Permissions Department, William Morrow and Company, New York, NY, 1992.

George Everest entered the Bengal Artillery as a Lieutenant on 4 April 1806 before he had even reached his 16th birthday. This rapid promotion was due to the number of vacancies at that time. Little has come to light about the first few years of his service in India until the siege of Kalinjar near Allahabad in 1812…