Articles in the GNSS Category


Jan 2007 | Comments Off on Galileo Technology Centre

Today Satellite Based Navigation Services play an increasingly important role in modern society. The provision of the navigation, positioning and timing service provided by GPS is widely used. However, the system is under military control, and consequently legal guarantees of operation required by modern business cannot be given. On the other hand the market for GNSS related products is recognised as an important economic factor and service guarantees and liabilities will be needed.

Jan 2007 | Comments Off on GAGAN update

This paper is an update of the GAGAN status presented at NSP meeting on May 8-19, 2006 held at Brussels, Belgium and also provides the future roadmap of the project. GAGAN will provide augmented information for satellite navigation to the aircraft flying within Indian Flight Information Regions (FIRs), which consists of seven boundaries. India is situated inthe vicinity of equator. In the equatorial region the ionospheric variations are very predominant…

Nov 2006 | Comments Off on India heads for a regional navigation satellite system

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has taken up a project called Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) for the establishment of an independent regional navigational infrastructure. The system main objective is to provide high positional accuracy (comparable to the existing constellations) real time position, velocity and time for various users in the region. IRNSS services will be available on a 24x7x365 basis irrespective of the availability of other constellations over Indian airspace. The system leverages the technological competence of ISRO in satellite, ground and other critical technologies

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on The ‘Namuru’ Open GNSS Research Receiver: An update

Development of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based GNSS receiver platform has been underway at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) ‘SNAP’ lab since 2004. The receiver now has a name; ‘Namuru’ that means ‘to see the way’ in the language of the Eora people who inhabited an area around Sydney, including the UNSW campus, before the arrival of the British. The receiver was introduced in the Coordinates January 2006 edition and in this article we first provide a brief recap and then look at the latest developments and results from testing. But before launching into this, the question of why such a research and development platform is desirable must be answered.

Jul 2006 | Comments Off on FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio occultation mission

Six tiny FORMOSAT-3 satellites that were sped into space on April 15, 2006 are designed for systematic mass scale radio occultation (RO) studies of the Earth atmosphere and ionosphere at different altitudes by use of the GPS signals. Termed as the Formosa Satellite-3/ Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC) mission, the new constellation’s primary science goal is to obtain in near real time the vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, refractivity, and water vapor in the neutral atmosphere, and the electron density in the ionosphere with global coverage. The measurements during five years of mission life will provide about 2,500 soundings per day, thus generating extensive information to support operational global weather prediction, climate change monitoring, ionospheric phenomena, and space weather research. The theory of RO measurements has been described previously (Gurvich and Krasilnikova, 1988; Yunck, 1988; Yakovlev, 2002; Hajj et al., 2002). During last four years, essential modernization in the RO technique has been introduced (e.g., Liou et al., 2002, 2006; Pavelyev et al., 2004 and references therein).

Jun 2006 | Comments Off on Space-based positioning system with no on-board atomic clocks

he Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) represents an innovative multi-service satellite system able to provide positioning for mobile users over Eastern Asia and Australasia. The integration of the QZSS with the present GPS and the European GALILEO will improve accuracy, availability and capability over a wide area. Throughout a collaborative research program, the space technology group of AIST, Japan and the University of NSW…

May 2006 | Comments Off on A yen for regional navigation

In the 1970s, the US Department of Defense began GPS development as a military force enhancer. In 1983, President Reagan offered GPS civil services to the world, free of direct charges, as a result of the KAL007 disaster. This global offer sparked widespread civil use of GPS and significant investment in civil GPS technologies, to include GPS civil augmenting satellites (e.g. US Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), European…

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on Design methods for RF part of GNSS software receivers

Many researchers and R&D laboratories in the world deal with the design of the software-based or experimental GNSS receivers using digital signal processing for work and experiments with received navigational signals. These concepts have one in common: the necessity of use of some analogue RF part before conversion of the signal to the digital domain. The problem of the RF front end design of the experimental or special purpose navigation receivers has to be solved. It is not an easy task as can be seen from many papers and conference contributions. The aim of this paper is analysis of the possibility of such GNSS RF front end design. We will discuss the following three main approaches

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on Water vapour estimation at few GPS sites in Indian subcontinent

Atmospheric water vapour estimation from the GPS data, surface total pressure and the mean tropospheric temperature is the most cost effective method which gives all weather good spatio-temporal coverage. Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) in the atmosphere can be estimated from GPS data by determining the travel time delay of GPS radio signals through the troposphere. Water vapour is already identified as…

Mar 2006 | Comments Off on National GPS programme for earthquake hazard assessment

The GPS technology is being used extensively all over the world to generate useful data for different purposes. The Department of Science
and Technology, Government of India has evolved a programme on GPS to study crustal deformation processes with the following objectives…