GIS News

CARIS launches Spatial Fusion Enterprise 5.2

Mar 2010 | No Comment

CARIS announced the release of Spatial Fusion Enterprise (SFE) 5.2 as part of its Ping-to-Chart™ product suite. SFE is Web-enabling technology for geospatial information that aims at leveraging the investment of collecting and maintaining data by making it more visible and accessible to stakeholders. Web-mapping has been around for more than a decade and recent trends indicating an increasing awareness of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) have resulted in a growing need to Web-enable and share marine and hydrographic geospatial information.

There is an increasing need for organizations around the world to display their data assets on public and internal Web portals allowing users to interact with the data and integrate it with other data sources. It is this need that has driven CARIS to deliver the SFE product with the Marine SDI market in mind.

CARIS Ping-to-Chart™ products such as Hydrographic Production Database (HPD) for chart production and Bathy DataBASE (BDB) for bathymetric management can communicate with SFE using specialized Web services. SFE 5.2 can take full advantage of these enterprise systems and display their contents as intelligent information layers that users can view, query, and combine with other information such as Google Maps™.

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