Dec 2018 | No Comment

In light of the emergence of big data, I have advocated and argued for a paradigm shift from Tobler’s law to scaling law, from Euclidean geometry to fractal geometry…

Dec 2018 | No Comment

This study explores the existing CORS network particularly the Greater Accra CORS to know the extent of its usage for GPS surveys in Ghana and to determine its usefulness in ensuring uniform and homogenous data collection

Surv. Sebastian Botsyo (MGhIS)

Ghana School of Surveying and Mapping, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana


Geomatic Engineer, Volta River Authority, Ghana


Senior …

Dec 2018 | No Comment

The emblematic intergovernmental Group of Earth Observations (GEO) sees food, water and energy security, natural hazards, pandemics of infectious diseases, sustainability of key services, poverty,…

Dec 2018 | No Comment

A digital ledger is a geographically distributed database that is shared and synchronized across a network by consensus of the network participants…

Nov 2018 | No Comment

Volume XIV, Issue 11, November 2018

Nov 2018 | No Comment


Let’s map together!
Mapping millions of land rights
That remains unrecorded in East Africa
Poses major challenge.
Its4land, a European Commission Horizon 2020 project
Aims to develop tools
With a multi-disciplinary approach in diverse cultural set-ups
Utilizing latest technologies
Like smart sketch maps, UAVs, automated feature extraction
Those are innovative, scalable and transferable.
However, the key …

Nov 2018 | No Comment

January 2019


16-18 Jan
Rotterdam, the Netherlands

GeoInsurance Europe 2019

22-23 January London, UK

Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications (CASSCA) 2019

28-29 January
Reston, VA USA

International LiDAR Mapping Forum (ILMF)

28 – 30 January
Denver, United States

International Technical Meeting (ITM)/
Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications (PTTI) 2019

28-31 January
Reston, VA USA

March 2019

2019 URSI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference

9 – 15 …

Nov 2018 | No Comment

Four more galileo satellites brought online
According to the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA), Galileo Satellites GSAT0215, GSAT0216, GSAT0217, and GSAT0218, launched in December 2017, have been commissioned for operational use.
Since October 12, all Galileo satellites that were launched last year (in December) are usable for service provision, according to the GSA. …

Nov 2018 | No Comment

Eos supports Haiti Outreach in its sustainable water initiative
Eos Positioning Systems, Inc.® (Eos) is giving back to the global water community by supporting Haiti Outreach’s sustainable water initiative. Haiti Outreach is a 21-year-old nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Haiti become a developed country. Haiti Outreach collaborates with individual Haitian communities to create and maintain …

Nov 2018 | No Comment

Kalashnikov gunmaker creates satellite navigation signal suppressing system for drones
ZALA AERO, part of the Kalashnikov Group, has demonstrated a new device of satellite navigation signal suppression for UAVs.
The compact module is placed under an unmanned aerial vehicle’s wing and suppresses the signal of satellite navigation systems within a radius of up to 5km, …