Jan 2022 | No Comment

ASPAARO established
Northrop Grumman Corporation and Airbus Defence and Space, together with seven industrial players, have established ASPAARO, the Atlantic Strategic Partnership for Advanced All-domain Resilient Operations. ASPAARO will bid to undertake the Risk Reduction and Feasibility Studies (RRFS) for the NATO Support and Procurement Agency as part of the Alliance Future Surveillance and Control (AFSC) …

Jan 2022 | No Comment

PLI of Rs. 120 crore is provided for Indian manufacturers of drone and drone components
The Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for drones and drone components has been notified on Sept. 30, 2021 to push the production of drones.
The details of this scheme are as follows:
i. An incentive of INR 120 crore (approximately $16 million) has been …

Jan 2022 | No Comment

Planet to acquire VanderSat
Planet is set to acquire VanderSat, a leading provider of advanced earth data and analytics. Vandersat’s products help customers better measure and understand water management and crop health in major markets. Planet intends to leverage VanderSat’s technologies and products in further pursuit of bringing to market next-generation solutions that combine the best …

Jan 2022 | No Comment

GIOVE-A, Galileo Pathfinder satellite, de-commissioned
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) has successfully de-commissioned GIOVE-A, the pathfinder satellite for Europe’s Galileo constellation, after 16 years of operations in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). The decision to decommission the satellite was made due to the obsolescence in computing systems required for the operation of GIOVE-A, and de-commissioning of the …

Jan 2022 | No Comment

Bell and Esri Canada deliver Integrated Smart City Ecosystem
Bell and Esri will create the Bell Integrated Smart City Ecosystem. This integrated solution will combine Bell’s award-winning 5G network and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions with Esri’s realtime analytics and location intelligence capabilities to help cities of all sizes across Canada become connected communities.
The Bell Integrated …

Jan 2022 | No Comment

1. Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is a general term describing any satellite constellation that provides positioning, navigation and timing services on a global and regional basis and whose data are used for a broad range of applications. Current GNSS include the following global and regional constellations: the Global Positioning System (GPS) of the …

Jan 2022 | No Comment

It has emerged that satellite retrieved mean pollutant concentration recorded relatively lower concentration during the year 2020 in comparision to 2019 and 2021 indicating the impact of lockdown due to Covid 19 pandemic

Shashi Shekhar

Scientific Officer, Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, Shimla, India

The paper aims to investigate the spatiotemporal pattern of three types of air …

Jan 2022 | No Comment

This paper highlights humorous research employing physics and mathematics to analyse and explain intriguing problems encountered in our professional or everyday lives, including examples related to gravity, astronomy and sports.

Volker Janssen

Publications Officer, Association of Public Authority Surveyors (APAS), New South Wales, Australia

This is the fifth in a series of papers celebrating some of the weird …

Jan 2022 | One Comment

To successfully operationalize PPPs in land administration, it is critical to examine and assess the commercial feasibility of each proposed transaction inclusion

Tony Burns

Co-Founder of Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia

Fletcher Wright

Managing Director, Planet Partnerships, United States of America

Kate Fairlie

Land administration specialist, Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia

Kate Rickersey

Managing Director, Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia

It’s all the buzz, …

Dec 2021 | No Comment

Volume XVII, Issue 11, November 2021

Animal mapping and ecology

Volker Janssen

Satellite Based Assessment of the Damage Caused by Tauktae Cyclone in Gir Protected Area, India

C P Singh, C Patnaik, A Das, M R Pandya and B K Bhattacharya

Spatial dependencies in land use and irrigation access in Northern Peru

Eduardo Zegarra

Package of ITU-R Recommendations on RNSS systems agreed …