News Archives, Remote Sensing


Sep 2006 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – REMOTE SENSING

Arirang 2 sends first photographs

A multipurpose satellite that South Korea launched into space in July, has sent back its first photographs, proving that the images provided by Arirang 2 are vivid enough to distinguish small objects on the ground. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) unveiled the images from the high-resolution cameras of Arirang 2.

NASA, NOAA data indicates ozone layer on the mend

A new study using NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data finds consistent evidence that Earth’s ozone layer is on the mend. A team led by Eun-Su Yang of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, analyzed 25 years of independent ozone observations at different altitudes in Earth’s stratosphere, which lies between six and 31 miles above the surface. The researchers concluded the Earth’s protective ozone layer outside of the polar regions stopped thinning around 1997. Ozone in these areas declined steadily from 1979 to 1997. The abundance of humanproduced ozone-destroying gases such as chlorofluorocarbons peaked at about the same time (1993 in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, 1997 in the stratosphere). Such substances were phased out after the 1987 international Montreal Protocol was enacted. The researchers concluded approximately one half the observed ozone change was in the region of the stratosphere above 11 miles and the rest in the lower stratosphere from six to 11 miles. The researchers attribute the ozone improvement above 11 miles almost entirely to the Montreal Protocol.

India’s evolves Disaster Management Support Program

The Department of Space has evolved a Disaster Management Support Programme utilizing the capabilities of space technology. The programme enables providing space-enabled products and services towards supporting disaster management efforts in the country. These services mainly in terms of value added products are generated from satellite, aerial and other collateral information, and emergency communication support. The information provided is mainly in the form of maps dynamically depicting the disaster impact, damages, and also vulnerability.

Indian Ocean tsunami warning system not up to mark

A tsunami warning system is now in place for Indian Ocean countries, but experts said there is still room for improvement in methods to convey the alerts to coastal communities. A tsunami that killed 600 people in Indonesia two weeks ago exposed some shortcomings in a system still being built after the December 26, 2004 disaster that killed almost 2,17,000 people in a dozen Indian Ocean countries, experts at a UNbacked meeting said. Two international agencies issued warnings that the powerful sub-sea earthquake on July 17 could spawn destructive waves crashing into Java’s southern coasts. But Indonesian officials in the capital Jakarta did not pass them on to local communities in time.

Google asked to identify Korea correctly

The National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) has requested Google Earth to change Japanese terms on the Korean map. The NGII said that it would hand over an English-language map of Korea to Google this month with a request that the U.S. Internet company stop using Japanese terms on the map of Korea. The map agency said that several notable geographical names in South and North Korea are erroneously marked on Google Earth in Japanese.


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