

Mar 2021 | No Comment

Technology demonstrator microsatellite for Norway

The Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA) has awarded Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) of Canada a contract to develop the NorSat Technology Demonstrator (TD) microsatellite. With a primary mission of testing out new technologies in space, NorSat-TD will validate payloads and concepts from Norway, the Netherlands, France and Italy.

SFL, which developed the operational NorSat-1 and -2 microsatellites launched in 2017, as well as NorSat-3 expected to launch in Q2 2021, has been contracted to design and build the NorSat-TD spacecraft and perform integration and testing of all systems and payloads. NorSat-TD has completed its final design review and been slated for launch in 2022.

Color image from NEMOHD microsatellite

Space-SI, the Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies, released the first multispectral image captured by its NEMOHD Earth observation microsatellite just 16 days after launch. Built by Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) in collaboration with SPACE-SI, NEMO-HD is Slovenia’s first microsatellite carrying a multispectral highdefinition Earth observation instrument.

The Slovenia satellite was built on SFL’s NAUTILUS microsatellite bus, which is an augmentation of SFL’s NEMO bus that has been used for numerous successful microspace missions. With a mass of only 65 kg and dimensions of 60x60x30 centimeters, NEMO-HD captures multispectral (RGB/NIR) images that can be sharpened by a panchromatic channel to 2.8-meter resolution.

The satellite also collects high-definition video at 25 frames per second. The main instrument can be operated in real-time imaging mode, allowing an operator at mission control on the ground to view the video feed as it is captured.

RAAMS bathymetric Lidar technology

Fugro has won a contract to capture bathymetric lidar of Northern Ireland’s coastline as part of a project from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) to create a detailed 3D elevation model of the coast.

The nearshore survey will acquire satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) data and, for the first time in the UK, Rapid Airborne Multibeam Mapping System (RAMMS) shall be used to collect lidar bathymetry data.

Coastal flooding is a global concern due to rising sea levels and an increase in extreme storm events. To identify areas most at risk of coastal erosion and marine flooding, and those that may be under future threat, DAERA has commissioned a baseline study of Northern Ireland’s 763 km of coastline. The resulting 3D model will help to inform policy makers, coastal managers, terrestrial planners, marine planners and other interested stakeholders.

Vegetation risk analysis of entire U.S. electric transmission grid

For the first time in history, vegetation encroachment risk to the entire publicly available U.S. transmission grid has been analyzed from space by the Berlin-based start-up LiveEO. In total, over 15,000 public satellite images were used to evaluate risk to 574,000 miles of electricity lines.

The analysis covers the detection of vegetation along the transmission grid, as well as the identification of grid segments that are exposed at dangerously close distances. These are some of the biggest challenges and operational cost factors for utility companies in maintaining their assets. Proven by studies vegetation is one of the main challenges for utilities globally, causing up to 56% of externally triggered power interruptions.

Besides the sole detection of vegetation distance from transmission grids, LiveEO is experienced in highly
allaccurate and efficient investigations of vegetation height, condition, and species determination to improve cycle trimming activities and dangerous tree removal while reducing vegetation management costs on transmission and distribution levels.

SatSure – Bellatrix to establish a high-resolution satellite constellation

On February 3rd, 2021, SatSure has signed a MoU with Bellatrix Aerospace to help place its payloads in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The satellites will host a novel on-board processor for in-orbit highresolution data processing using SatSure’s proprietary Deep Learning algorithms and ultra low-bandwidth data transmission on a microsatellite platform comprising of Bellatrix Aerospace’s unique hybrid propulsion systems. The missions will be supported by Bellatrix Aerospace’s agile satellite platform currently under development and powered by its unique hybrid propulsion technology.

SatSure, founded in 2016 with core business in enterprise AI-based software products and platforms, has seen a surge in demand post-COVID-19 for data insights and solutions based on high-resolution satellite imagery.

Bellatrix Aerospace is an IP driven company founded in 2015 and working on advanced spacecraft propulsion systems.

Agriculture-focused satellite constellation to be launched

EOS Data Analytics, announced plans to launch seven optical EOS SAT satellites into an LEO (Low Earth orbit) by the year 2024. By launching its own satellite imaging constellation, the company aims to establish a full satellite data production vertical – from direct imagery collection to processing, analysis, and delivery.

One of the key objectives of the new satellite constellation will be monitoring of farmlands, making this project the first of its kind oriented towards agriculture.

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