Articles in the Imaging Category

Jul 2021 | No Comment

Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio win contract for Sicral 3
Thales Alenia Space, the joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), and Telespazio, the joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%), have signed a contract with the Italian Ministry of Defense, represented by TELEDIFE / Secretariat General of Defense, for the development of …

Jun 2021 | No Comment

Freestyle 2 handheld scanner for construction by FARO
FARO Technologies, Inc., recently released the Freestyle 2 Handheld Scanner for Construction. This fast, portable, and targeted 3D data capture device can scan even the tightest spaces more easily than ever. For the construction industry, accurate dimensions and locations are needed when coordinating with scope done earlier …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

TCarta awarded NOAA grant
TCarta Marine has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The research focuses on enhancing Satellite Derived Bathymetry technology for application in the coastal waters of Alaska.
Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) extracts water depth measurements from multispectral satellite imagery …

Mar 2021 | No Comment

Technology demonstrator microsatellite for Norway
The Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA) has awarded Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) of Canada a contract to develop the NorSat Technology Demonstrator (TD) microsatellite. With a primary mission of testing out new technologies in space, NorSat-TD will validate payloads and concepts from Norway, the Netherlands, France and Italy.
SFL, which developed …

Jan 2021 | No Comment

$400,000 grant for precision irrigation improvements
Viridix, an Israeli precision irrigation company, has received a $400,000 grant from the Israel Innovation Authority to enhance the remote sensing and AI capabilities of its RooTense® solution. This solution can increase crop yields by 20% while reducing water and fertilizer usage up to 50%. The Authority›s grant funds …

Dec 2020 | No Comment

Remote sensing data based on neural networks
Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos will launch the experimental operation of its services for processing the Earth’s remote sensing data based on neural networks, according to Roscosmos representative Denis Shvedov.
This year, Roscosmos has established the Forest Control, Quarries, Disturbed Lands, Construction Control, Emergencies and Agricultural Monitoring services, …

Dec 2020 | No Comment

Smallest methane emission ever detected from space
Space Flight Laboratory (SFL), a developer of 53 distinct microspace missions, has announced the successful measurement of atmospheric methane by the GHGSat-C1 greenhouse gas monitoring microsatellite that utilizes a NEMO platform developed by SFL. The methane emission from a source on the Earth’s surface is the smallest ever …

Nov 2020 | No Comment

Dual payload satellite architecture by BlackSky
BlackSky, a leading provider of global monitoring services, geospatial intelligence and satellite imagery, has announced the next phase of expansion of its high-revisit commercial satellite constellation with the unveiling of its next generation, Gen-3, satellite architecture. The commercial constellation expansion features Gen-3 satellites capable of producing images with 50-centimeter …

Oct 2020 | No Comment

Bushfire Inquiry Report by NSW Government
The NSW Government, Australia has released the independent NSW Bushfire Inquiry, which examined the causes, preparation and response to the devastating 2019-20 bushfires.
All 76 recommendations will be accepted in principle, with further work to be done on specific timelines to give communities assurance that changes will be made …

Sep 2020 | No Comment

China launches high-resolution remote-sensing satellite
China has successfully sent a highresolution multi-mode imaging satellite into the planned orbit from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China’s Shanxi Province recently. The satellite is a civil-use optical remote-sensing satellite with a resolution up to the sub-meter level. It will operate in Sun-synchronous orbit.
It can provide high-precision remotesensing …