Articles in the Imaging Category


Jun 2014 | Comments Off on IMAGING

Applanix Corp and American Aerospace Advisors Inc (AAAI) have announced an OEM supply agreement that will incorporate Applanix’ industry-leading..

May 2014 | No Comment

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has awarded a $1.35-million contract to Ontario’s Neptec Design Group for work on Canada’s contribution to the Japan…

Apr 2014 | No Comment

MDA’s Information Systems group (MDA) has signed a contract with the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (MRSA) to provide RADARSAT-2 information that will be used to support a number of applications, such as agriculture monitoring, and natural disaster response….

Mar 2014 | No Comment

Kazakhstan will launch one communication satellite and two remote sensing satellites in 2014. Moreover, Kazakhstan will commission ground facilities for a remote sensing space system, as well as a high-precision satellite navigation system.

Feb 2014 | No Comment

Applanix Corp and American Aerospace Advisors Inc have completed a successful series of test flights of AAAI’s RS-16 platform equipped with Applanix’ DMSUAV

Jan 2014 | No Comment

The European Space Agency launched its star-surveying satellite Gaia into space, hoping to produce the most accurate 3-D map of the Milky Way and to better understand the evolution of our galaxy.

Dec 2013 | Comments Off on IMAGING

RADARSAT-2 DEM for the Malaysian Government
MDA’s Information Systems Group (MDA) has signed a contract with Sky-Shine Corporation of Malaysia to deliver over 52,000 square kilometers of digital elevation products using space-based imagery from RADARSAT-2 acquired during 2013 and 2014. MDA will deliver the completed digital elevation products for an area in Peninsular Malaysia as part …

Oct 2013 | No Comment

The Government of Japan plans to devise a new air traffic control rule to prepare for the Self-Defense Forces’ introduction of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will start studying similar rules in other countries next month to work out a new rule in fiscal 2014 from April. The current aviation law may be revised since it only applies to manned aircraft.

Sep 2013 | No Comment

Norway’s government is refusing to let Apple take aerial photography of the capital city Oslo to create 3D images for its Maps app, BBC News reported. There are security concerns about access to detailed views of government buildings. Anyone wishing to fly over Oslo to take pictures requires a license from the authorities, which has been declined according to official documents. However satellite imagery, as used by other map brands, is not protected.

Aug 2013 | No Comment

Space Exploration Technologies was awarded a launch reservation contract with MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA) to support the largest space program to date in Canada, carrying the three satellites to orbit that will make up the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) on a Falcon 9 rocket in 2018. RCM is a three satellite