Articles in the Navigation Category

Nov 2015 | No Comment

Personal navigation technologies have been evolving rapidly because of the increasing popularity of smartphones and portable devices in recent years…

May 2015 | No Comment

Navigation making use of advanced technologies, notably involving radiowaves providing precise information on positioning, navigation options and on the surrounding geographic environment, has become an ever more present phenomenon in today’s societies…

Mar 2015 | No Comment

The International Navigation Conference 2015 marked the return of the Royal Institute of Navigation to the business of organising major navigation meetings. For some years they have waited on the sidelines as too many conferences competed for a declining number of delegates….

Nov 2014 | No Comment

Approaching river locks, passing under bridges, and approaching riverside berths and ports were identified as the situations at inland waterway transportation with the highest risk with respect to the collisions with surrounding infrastructure [1]. The first one is the…

Aug 2014 | No Comment

The performance standards for Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as well as the international…

Jul 2014 | No Comment

The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an autonomous and continuous broadcast system that exchanges maritime safety/security information between participating vessels and shore stations. In addition to providing a means for maritime administrations

Jul 2014 | No Comment

Collaborative navigation enables multi-sensory robust navigation, including seamless transition between different types of environments (see e.g. [1, 3]). In this concept several users and platforms (including pedestrians, vehicles and UAV’s) are equipped with different…

Jun 2014 | No Comment

Side scan sonars are widely used for objects detection in seabed clearance investigations. Multibeam data about bathymetry and backscatter may be not enough in terms of detecting small objects, possibly dangerous for navigation…

Jun 2014 | No Comment

The new IMO Sub Committee on Navigation, Communications Search & Rescue considers the Strategy Implementation Plan for e-Navigation at its meeting in July 2014 (NCSR1). The e-Navigation solutions embodied in that Plan depend on reliable, robust positioning…

Apr 2014 | No Comment

The project SiNafaR concentrates on surveilling big areas like container harbors with autonomous and heterogonous robots supporting the security staff…