Jul 2022 | No Comment


The first of the few glimpses,
Seizing the moments of cosmic history
Captured by the James Webb Space Telescope
Have been released.
The first image depicts SMACS 0723,
According to NASA is
“the deepest and sharpest infrared image of distant universe to date”.
This takes us to the world of stars and galaxies,
Never seen …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

August 2022


24 – 26 Aug Wellington, New Zealand


September 2022

International Symposium of Commission 4: Positioning and Applications

5 to 8 September 2022


15th Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT)

5-9 Sep 2022 Kobe, Japan


Commercial UAV Expo Americas

6-8 September 2022 Las Vegas, USA


17th Symposium on Location Based Services (LBS2022)

12-14 Sep 2022 Munich, Germany


18th International Conference on Geoinformation and Cartography

14-16 Sep …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

M-code compatible navigation system by Collins Aerospace
Collins Aerospace has introduced NavHub™-200M, the first non-ITAR vehicular navigation system for the international market compatible with Military Code (M-Code) receiver technology.It provides Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (APNT) capabilities while improving overall resistance to existing and emerging threats to GPS, such as jamming and spoofing. www.collinsaerospace.com
Small SWaP Time-space …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

Dubai completes hydrographic data survey of all marine areas
Dubai Municipality has announced the completion of a first-of-its-kind hydrographic survey of the territorial waters of the Emirate, conducted to generate comprehensive marine data in accordance with the specifications of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The survey is part of the Municipality’s efforts to support the …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

UK satellite navigation signal generated
An Inmarsat-led team of companies in the UK, building on national expertise and prior experience within the group, has begun broadcasting a satellite navigation signal as part of a programme to explore the creation of a sovereign national capability in resilient positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) for the aviation and …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

New batch of RS satellites by China
China successfully launched three new remote sensing satellites from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China’s Sichuan Province on June 23, 2022.
The satellites were launched as the second batch of the Yaogan-35 family at 10:22 a.m. (Beijing Time) by a Long March-2D carrier rocket and entered the planned …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

Nine determining parameters identified in this study to identify suitable site for the industrial establishment

Muluneh Beyene Tsala

Department of Land and Real Property Valuation, Dire Dawa University, Ethiopia

The significance of GIS and Remote Sensing techniques and technologies currently in every aspect of human beings day-to-day activities initiated the researcher to conduct this study. Industry is important …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

The paper proposes an approach using a distributed ledger (blockchain) besides a configuable IoT-based system to take into account all needed data including specific case of urban area

Marouane El Midaoui

Signals, Distributed Systems and Artificial Intelligence ENSET Mohammedia, University Hassan II OF Casablanca, Morocco

El Mehdi Ben Laoula

Signals, Distributed Systems and Artificial Intelligence ENSET Mohammedia, University Hassan …

Jul 2022 | No Comment

The EN16803 series of standards is designed to help users make better choices and simplify the integration of satellite technologies into onboard systems

Xavier Leblan

GUIDE-GNSS, Toulouse, France

Giuseppe ROTONDO

GUIDE-GNSS, Toulouse, France

Miguel Ortiz

Université Gustave Eiffel, Nantes, France

Christelle Dulery

CNES (French Space Agency), Toulouse, France

The geolocation field has acquired a reference methodology that is essential for evaluating and characterizing …