
Aug 2009 | Comments Off on It’s all about Location… NAVIGATOR

LBS appear to be one of the next natural steps in our move towards a truly unwired permanently connected society

The past decade has seen a quantum jump in mobile usage driven by two factors – one on the basic premise that almost everyone talks and walks and secondly, the underlying technology that has enabled this …

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on Testing Post


wireless adapter can take advantage of its positioning technology and locate a user. Users
Opera Software and Skyhook Wireless …

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on Educational library of GNSS signals for navigation

The current panorama of navigation satellite systems is rich of proposals for novel modulations and bands, to be prospectively used in the current and incoming systems. In this perspective, the know-how on the inherent nature of signals and systems is a fundamental resource to proactively cope with the multiple aspects of interaction and integration among signals, services and applications…

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on Un-Earthly Coordinates

Of course, it would be extremely rare, when any GPS surveying and/ or “navigating” to the North Pole is undertaken. One such opportunity occurred In April 2005. British explorer Tom Avery in his effort(s) to recreate Adm. Robert Peary’s epic journey of April 1909 to North Pole took GPS to navigate himself…

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on NLRMP: Mission Possible

Indian Institute of Surveying and Mapping (IISM) is the country’s premier institution for human resources development in the realm of surveying and mapping in its modern incarnation. IISM recognizes that the cutting edge in the process of development is information dissemination. Hence, its efforts of generating awareness among various organization and training its manpower in modern trends in Surveying & Mapping like GPS, Total Station,…

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on MSAS performance evaluation under ionospheric conditions

The Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System (MSAS) is a Japanese Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) [1] which provides Differential GPS (DGPS) corrections and is designed to supplement GPS by reporting and monitoring the reliability and accuracy of GPS signals in real time. MSAS consists of two satellites, (MTSAT-1R at 140E longitude and MTSAT-2 at 145E longitude), four Ground Monitor Stations (GMS), two Master Control Stations (MCS),…

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on “We have just scratched the surface of what photogrammetry will do for all of us in the future”

Could you highlight the strengths of Vexcel Imaging large and medium format camera’s for our readers.
The strength of Vexcel is outstanding market knowledge, unparalleled technical experience and the attitude for innovation, all combined to maximize the customer benefi t of our products. Vexcel entered the market of digital large format aerial cameras in 2004, about three years later than the competition with a new concept, the UltraCam. Since then we have increased our market share constantly and became the market leader quickly – we have sold more than 125 UltraCams and additionally quite some camera upgrades. Obviously the market has decided for frame cameras and has made the UltraCam the most successful large format camera series.

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on “Software development is our main focus”

Is the name DAT/EM an acronym, or is there some other signifi cance behind it?
DAT/EM (pronounced dāt’-əm) is an acronym for Digital Automated Technology / Engineering Mapping. The software was developed internally between 3 production mapping fi rms located in the United States in the mid 1980’s. As such, our software was conceived in a production environment to meet the demanding technical needs of top-fl ight photogrammetric organizations. Since the fi rst data collection licenses were sold in 1987 (on analogue stereoplotters), we have never lost sight of the need for constant improvement of the software. We have always understood if the software tools can save a user one key-stroke (or more!) on a repetitive command, this will have a direct and positive infl uence on the company’s profi tability.

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

August 2009
Bentley Be Connected Online Seminars
23 July-30 Nov.
September 2009
2nd GNSS Vulnerabilities & Solutions Conference
Sept 2 to 5, 2009
Baska, Krk Island, Croatia

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – Galileo Update

Telespazio takes control of Galileo Ground Facility
Telespazio has taken over management of a Galileo satellite constellation control centre. The company will begin cabling the entire structure as well as installing and integrating required systems and equipment for the satellite constellation and mission. Telespazio said its work will begin on the areas dedicated to security, navigation signal generation systems, orbital management and atomic clocks. The control centre is expected to be fully operational and will be inaugurated this fall.