Oct 2017 | No Comment

The Survey of Israel (SOI) conducts nation-wide geodetic monitoring and check-ups of all measurements conducted for numerous public interests…

Oct 2017 | No Comment

This article describes and evaluates the performance of two undergraduate student classes taking the Geomatics course…

Oct 2017 | No Comment

This study falls in the category of Applied Research, as it seeks to answer the question as to whether low cost GNSS receivers …

Oct 2017 | No Comment

The VGI approach to photogrammetry poses additional challenges, because the data are not recorded according to photogrammetric requirements…

Oct 2017 | No Comment

The proposal of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations in 2015 and the prominence of smart city projects in an era of accelerating urbanization…

Oct 2017 | No Comment

Report of the UN-GGIM Academic Network Forum

On 31 July 2017, the UN-GGIM Academic Network, in close collaboration with and the support of UN-Expert Group on Land Administration and Management, UN-GGIM Private Sector Network, and UN-GGIM Geospatial Societies, held a Forum at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Forum focused on the theme “Secure …

Sep 2017 | No Comment

Volume XIII, Issue 09, September 2017



Review of the 3D Modelling Algorithms and Crowdsourcing

Maria GKELI, Charalabos IOANNIDIS, Chryssy POTSIOU

Mapping beyond boundaries

Dinebari Akpee, Gaage Friday Aabe, Aogo Olutosin Jacob, Needam Yiinu

Low Cost GNSS and Geo-referencing of Small Rural Cadastral Surveys

Tomoye Allen,Ronaldo Brown, Amahl Hutchinson, Keith Wignall, Glendon G. Newsome

Monitoring of the interference …

Sep 2017 | No Comment

October 2017

GIS Congress-2017

2 – 3 October Vienna, Austria


Year in Infrastructure Conference

10 -12 October Singapore



18 – 20 October Lisbon, Portugal


ACRS 2017

23 – 27 October
New Delhi, India


6th International Colloquium — Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS/Galileo

25 – 27 October Valencia, Spain


3D Australia Conference 2017

26 – 27 October Melbourne, Australia


ITS World Congress 2017

29 October – 2 November …

Sep 2017 | No Comment


Right to Privacy
Though in many countries,
Privacy enjoys a strong legal framework
India has been cautious.
On one hand the Government has the propensity
To encroach the private space of the citizens,
The citizens are, by and large, unaware and unmindful
Of the concepts and importance of privacy.
Given this, the Supreme Court of India …

Sep 2017 | No Comment

Mouser – Tracker enables GPS-based IoT projects
Mouser is the Wio Tracker from Seeed Studio. It is an open source gateway that allows for faster GPS solutions for the IoT by tracking nearly any moving thing and uploading that data wirelessly. For added speed and flexibility, the tracker features 99 GNSS receiver channels for quicker …