Remote Sensing

Ukraine to launch 11 satellites by 2030

Feb 2010 | 2 Comments

One of the priority tasks of Ukraine’s state policy in the sphere of space activity is to form groups of remote Earth-sensing satellites consisting of 11 spacecraft in orbit by 2030, according to a plan for state policy in the sphere of space activity until 2030, which has been introduced for public discussion by the National Space Agency of Ukraine. The groups will consist of space vehicles with optical sensors and space vehicles with radio frequency sensors. Ukraine is preparing a launch of Sich-2 earth observation satellite to orbit this year.

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  • almardi said:

    all the best for Ukraine

  • almardi said:

    Since Sudan is one of the poorest countries in the world in terms of coverage topographic Although the Survey of Sudan before, and the National Authority for survey at present, one of the first interests that have practiced the profession in Africa and the Arab world, as the Sudan covers now fully base maps of scale quarter million (1:250,000), but old and may differ from reality and may not change much in the implementation of agricultural projects and other development projects.
    The Cadastral surveying in the Sudan carried out by land surveying and is now beginning to use modern digital methods, and that the data collected in these ways are not, renew, and modify as a result there were differences in positions on the maps and ground. The main problem is the lack of ground control points, and that most of the base maps have been linked ( Adndan ) system, Which is an old geodetic system based on astronomical observations of the points. But inaccurate and outdated, but today the GIS , GPS , and remote sensing are the backbone of all projects in Sudan.

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