Remote Sensing


Sep 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – REMOTE SENSING


Beijing plans Earth Resource III

According to the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping in Beijing, China shall launch a satellite carrying the country’s first stereo mapping camera. Earth Resource III will be launched in the first half of 2011.

3D topographic lunar map

China will complete a 3D topographic map of the moon. “Currently, most of the lunar topographic maps were made by data acquired by laser altimeter instruments. With the large amount of highly-detailed images taken by Chang’e-1, the map we are making will be of the highest resolution in the world,” Li Chunlai, chief designer of the ground application system with the project said.

UK-DMC2 returns first images

Britain’s latest imaging satellite UKDMC2 has returned its first pictures of the US states of Texas and Oklahoma. Their new sensors see double the number of pixels per hectare, giving their pictures a pixel size of 22m. The satellites has a swath of 650km.

First imagery from DubaiSat-1

The UAE’s first satellite has transmitted its first series of UAE images from orbit, including a snapshot of the Palm Jebel Ali. The Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology (EIAST) received the images. It could be used for a variety of applications from urban development, scientific research, mapping and GIS etc.

ISRO to launch satellites for US

India will be able to launch smaller satellites for USA into space by indigenously developed rockets at one third of the cost charged by American firms. This is one of the significant features of the space agreement signed with the US during Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent visit to Delhi. “Space cooperation with the US has been the agenda of the government. The pact will enable US made satellites or with components of US to be launched from India,”

India approves GSAT -10 Satellite

The Union Cabinet has approved undertaking design and development of GSAT-10 spacecraft. The satellite with 12 high power Ku-band transponders, 12 C-band and 12 Extended C band India coverage transponders and a navigation payload, will replace the ageing INSAT-2E and INSAT- 3B satellites, create additional capacity for DTH like applications and provide onorbit back-up for the GAGAN navigation payload. GSAT-10 spacecraft is planned to be realized within 20 months.

Space radar techniques for land mapping

ESA has used radar technology from the agency’s Envisat remote-sensing satellite to develop a compact, high-resolution radar that can monitor land and buildings from small aircraft. The radar can monitor structures such as dams, harbours, canals and buildings, leading to maps for urban planning, territory surveillance and cadastral updating.

ERDAS releases radar mapping

ERDAS released IMAGINE SAR Interferometry a package of radar workflows featuring advanced radar mapping technologies including new interpolation techniques that increase the quality and fidelity of radar data.

ScanNet for real time monitoring

ScanEx RDC has developed ScanNet technology for real time multi satellite monitoring of objects, processes and phenomena, which can be used for monitoring the state and exploitation of industrial and domestic wastes sites and unauthorised landfills.

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