Aug 2007 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS
Chief Surveyor of Singapore is first Asian to receive coveted spatial science award

The Department of Geomatics, University of Melbourne will be presenting its annual Thornton Smith Medal for 2007 to its fi rst Asian recipient outside of Australia. Mr Soh Kheng Peng, who is chief surveyor of Singapore, Singapore Land Authority.
The Medal commemorates Jim Thornton Smith who founded the Department of Geomatics at the University of Melbourne in 1949 and was instrumental in the formulation and introduction of the Bachelor of Surveying degree in 1948. The Medal is awarded to a graduate from the Department of Geomatics who has shown a high level of distinction and leadership in the discipline.
Google Earth helps uncover tax fraud
Argentina’s tax authorities are using Google Earth’s satellite to track down fraud. Existing property maps were superimposed in Google Earth to reveal the changes. It is also being used to check if taxpayers may have expanded their homes in ways that would increase their value for taxation.
UN-Habitat signs agreement with ITC
UN-Habitat and ITC, The Netherlands are clustering their knowledge in the fi eld of urban development in developing countries.Recently, director of UN-Habitat Dr. Tibaijuka and ITC rector Prof. Molenaar signed an agreement relating to cooperation in the fi elds of capacity development, training and research.
Michael Goodchild and Don Cooke in GIS Hall of Fame
The Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) Hall of Fame Laureates are individuals or organizations whose pioneering work has moved the geospatial industry in a better, stronger direction. Michael Goodchild and Don Cooke will join this esteemed group during the Opening Ceremony at URISA’s 45th Annual Conference in Washington, DC this August.
Geokosmos to conduct LiDAR survey of the French railways
Using combined airborne laser scanning and digital aerial photography technology Geokosmos surveyed the railroads that connect Amiens and Bouillon. The captured data was used for producing a large-scale digital topographic map (scale 1:500) and a digital orthophoto (GSD 5 cm) that will help French National Railways Service to provide technical assessment of its infrastructure. The accuracy of captured data was conducted with high density of laser points – 7 points per 1 sq. m. Planimetric and height and accuracy constituted 5 cm.
U.S. Geological Survey makes Topographic maps available
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is using the GeoPDF format to make its primary base series quadrangle maps available online. The initial roject, started by the US Army Corps of Engineers, involved converting more than 60,000 USGS Digital Raster Graphics to GeoPDF fi les. These maps are used by businesses and consumers for all kinds of applications from engineering to land use management and recreation such as hiking, hunting and camping.
ADSIC announces the launch of the AD-SDI
Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Committee has launched the Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Initiative (AD-SDI), the latest stage of the government’s strategy to stay at the cutting edge of GIS technology. The AD-SDI will coordinate vital data-sharing activities while leaving primary responsibility for development and maintenance of framework data with specifi c custodian agencies.
NDMC to introduce smart map of the city
New Delhi Municipal Council fi nishes making the country’s smartest map by this year end using a combination of GIS, DGPS and Management Information System. The fi rst phase of the project, expected to be completed by year end, will map out all sewer and water lines and 14,000 manholes. The system will eventually have 55 kinds of facilities, including details of all 12,000 manholes, 2,35,000 trees, 17,000 light poles, 12,000 buildings, roads, toilets and sewers in the area.
China introduces new policies on geographic information
China has introduced new policies on approving and announcing signifi cant geographic information. According to China’s State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, information will be approved by the State Council, after an audit of surveying and mapping authorities and a consultation with the relevant State Council departments and army surveying and mapping authorities. The announcement of the heights of China’s world-famous mountains, according to law, will help address incorrect and inconsistent data regarding the mountains. It will also guide communities in using such geographic information, ensuring that the data is accurate in its various applications.
Incomplete maps illegal in China… Chinese map vendors fi ned

Several hotel chains operating in Shanghai face fi nes for providing guests withimproper maps which only show part of China, not the entire country. Such maps were found at six hotel chains in Shanghai, but they have only provided information on two of the companies. The law states that any person or company found publishing maps that show only part of the country can be fi ned up to 10,000 yuan (US$1,315)