GSDI World Conference (GSDI 14) and AfricaGIS 2013
The GSDI World Conference (GSDI 14) and AfricaGIS 2013 will be held jointly at the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA) Conference Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from November 4-8, 2013. The conference theme is “Spatial Enablement in Support of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction”.
AfricaGIS is the largest regularly occurring GIS conference held in Africa, with participants from across the continent. The GSDI World Conference series has a long-established reputation for excellence among Spatial Data Infrastructure communities globally, and visits all continents, offering geospatial specialists from all parts of the world exceptional opportunities to exchange ideas with their global peers on overcoming the challenges to build local, national and regional SDIs.
The program accommodates opening and closing plenary sessions with renowned keynote speakers, daily plenary sessions, technical paper sessions in parallel tracks, industry showcase sessions, and pre-conference and post-conference workshops freely open to all registrants. The Conference also features an Exhibition highlighting corporate products and services plus agency initiatives. Opportunities exist to host meetings of organizations and groups to allow people from common regions of Africa or the globe, or with common interests, to present, discuss, and share issues, experiences and plans.