GIS News


Nov 2010 | No Comment


Global Earthquake Model

Global Earthquake Model Foundation (GEM) has selected OpenGeo to support its development of open source earthquake modeling tools. OpenGeo will be developing enhancements for GeoServer and GeoTools to expand the capabilities for collaboration on hazard, risk and socio-economic impact models within the global earthquake risk assessment community.

National Geographic Atlas

National Geographic has recently completed the Ninth Edition of the Atlas of the World. It adds new maps of conflict areas such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. There are also spreads dealing with trends such as water scarcity, global warming and energy resources. GIS was first used for the seventh edition in 1999.

China to draw natural disaster “risk map”

Chinese authorities are drawing up a national natural disaster “risk map” in a bid to improve planning of urban construction projects in western China to avoid potential catastrophes. China’s vast western regions have experienced three major natural disasters in recent three years.

Malaysia launches E-Cadastre project

The newly launched Malaysian E-Cadastre Project is integrated with various systems such as eTanah, eLJT, JUPEM Geoportal and MaCGDI, which allow sharing of facilities and information for the benefit of Land and Mine Office, Land Office, Land Surveyors Board and Land and Mine Office director-general. The main objective of the project is to expedite the preparation of title plans and issuance of final title plans from two years to less than two months. The web-enabled programme would allow faster and more accurate work process with less human intervention.

Privacy code for online mapping

The government of Germany has called on Google Inc. and other providers of online navigation services to create a set of voluntary data protection guidelines for services such as Google’s “Street View” by the end of the year. Failure to do so would result in the imposition of new market regulations to protect consumers.

Kenyan slum dwellers mapped

Residents of one of Africa’s biggest slums designed a digital map of Kibera. Kibera, on the outskirts of the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, is home to thousands of people but still appears as a forest on government maps. Thirty of its inhabitants used the GPS technology to establish the location of such landmarks as roads and health clinics and uploaded the resulting map onto the Open Street Map website which anyone can update with new data.

Geotagged Photos of Gulf oil spill

Thousands of GPS-stamped photos showing the locations of sensitive habitats and wildlife impacted by the oil spill in the Gulf have helped decision makers determine where to deploy clean-up crews. These ‘geotagged’ photos are served out via the web to multiple Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) using photo-mapping software from GeoSpatial Experts LLC, as well as GIS technology.

Open roads for London Olympics

The National Street Gazetteer (NSG) is being used as part of the planning for the Olympic Route Network (ORN) and Paralympic Route Network (PRN) in order to minimize any disruption to the network in the lead up to, during and after the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London. The ORN/PRN is the definitive list of designated transport routes essential to the smooth running of the games.

Bangladesh digital maps by 2016

According to Survey of Bangladesh (SOB), Bangladesh is going to set up six permanent GPS stations in six districts next year. All maps in the country would be converted into a digital format with creation of a geo-database by 2016 under a project in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). JICA have initiated a project titled Bangladesh Digital Mapping Assistance Project (BDMAP).

SERVIR program

NASA and the USAID to launch a web-based environmental management system for the Himalayan region called SERVIR-Himalaya, at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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