Galileo Update, News Archives


Apr 2007 | Comments Off on GALILEO UPDATE

Galileo – the European Programme for Global Navigation Services for civil purposes is an initiative led by European Union. We provide regular updates to our readers on the Galileo programme.
European Commission sets Galileo satellite navigation deadline

The European Commission has given the eight companies picked to build and run the Galileo satellite navigation system until 10 May to create a single company and choose a chief executive. The commission is concerned about slipping deadlines and a lack of coordination for Galileo. “If there’s no reaction in time then we’ll have to look for alternative solutions,” said commission spokesman Michele Cercone. “We’ll talk about the alternatives after 10 May if the deadline is missed,” he added.

ESA awards contract for GIOVE-A2

The European Space Agency awarded a contract to a British ?rm for technology to be used in constructing a second Galileo satellite navigation system. The new satellite, to be named GIOVE-A2 with an estimated total value of $40 billion, will be based on Surrey Satellite Technology’s GIOVE-A technology. GIOVE stands for Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element. The GIOVE-A2 satellite will be ready for launch during the second half of 2008.

GIOVE-A Signal-in-Space Interface Control Document released

The GIOVE-A Signal-in-Space Interface Control Document, the document that gives the technical details of the signals transmitted by the GIOVE-A satellite, has been released. This will allow receiver manufacturers and research institutions to use a real signal for their research and development. The GIOVE-A signal validation has been accomplished through a network of 13 Galileo Experimental Sensor Stations (GESS), deployed world wide, and a GIOVE Processing Centre which computes precise orbits and clock timings for the GIOVE satellites, based on the measurements made by the GESS and satellite laser ranging stations.

Spanish ?rms want to respect Galileo accords

Spanish ?rms simply want to respect accords surrounding the stalled Galileo satellite navigation project, a Spanish minister insisted following claims by partners that Spain is dragging its feet on pro?tability concerns. “The two Spanish ?rms have merely asked that agreements and initial (participation) percentages be respected and we would like to see the other parties do the same,” Industry Minister Joan Clos told a news conference. “Negotiations are currently ongoing and we hope they will unlock the situation and that Spain will remain” on board the 1.5-billion-euro project meant to be in space in 2010 and operational from 2011.

Bulgarian supports EC’s stand on Galileo development

Bulgarian Minister of Transport Petar Mutafchiev con?rmed the Bulgarian stand on the issues included on the agenda of the Council of Ministers meeting in Brussels. At a press conference following the session, the press of?ce of the Ministry of Transport announced. Bulgaria backs the European Commission’s stand on the development of Galileo satellite positioning system and will continue working actively in the institutions of the Global Navigation Satellite System.


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