Mar 2024 | No Comment

This article documents one such transition in an undergraduate course on GIS, arguing that OP is the logical next step for enhancing creativity and innovation in GIS education

David Ray Abernathy

Department of Global Studies, Warren Wilson College, Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Open-source software and open data are becoming increasingly popular in the teaching and learning of geographic …

Mar 2024 | No Comment

The analysis performed in this report is solely the author’s work and his opinion. State Program: U.S.A (G); EU (E); China (C) “Only MEO- SECM satellites”; Russia (R); Japan (J); India (I)

Narayan Dhital

Actively involved to support international collaboration in GNSSrelated activities. He has regularly supported and contributed to different workshops of the International Committee on …

Mar 2024 | No Comment

Volume XX, Issue 2, February 2024

A GPS/GNSS utilisation risk model facilitates GNSS applications development and operation

Renato Filjar, Igor Klopotan, Nenad Sikirica and Ivan Hedji

GNSS constellation specific monthly analysis summary: January 2024

Narayan Dhital

New age technologies for cities and infrastructure planning

A K Jain

The contributions of space geodesy to the construction of sustainable cities …

Mar 2024 | No Comment

March 2024

Geo Connect Asia

06 – 07 March 2024

DGI 2024

11 – 13 March
Londone, UK

Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 2024

20 – 22 March
Munich, Germany

April 2024


02 – 04 May
Angers, France


Mar 2024 | No Comment

Galileo now meets international standards,
To guide civil aviation from take-off to landing,
Can complement EGNOS for the most critical operations.
Though initially not designed to comply
The rigorous standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Needed for so-called Safety of Life operations,
As Europe already had EGNOS for this purpose,
Galileo has been modifi ed and retuned,
With technical meticulousness,
For the …

Mar 2024 | No Comment

ACL Digital partners PhoenixAI. tech for AI drone solutions
ACL Digital has forged a partnership with to propell the future of AI-powered drones. The partnership will leverage’s and ACL Digital’s pioneering work in developing advanced AI/ML algorithms for uncrewed vehicles, IoT, and C-V2X. Together, the companies …

Mar 2024 | No Comment

Trimble introduces MX90 Mobile Mapping System
Trimble released the Trimble MX90 mobile mapping system. It provides a complete field-to-finish mobile mapping solution that enables powerful workflows for data capture, processing and analysis. The vehicle- or train-mounted MX90 rapidly captures highly detailed laser scans and imagery—both panoramic and …

Mar 2024 | No Comment

Funds for space preservation efforts by UK Space Agency
The UK Space Agency recently allocated a £2m investment for research into the refuelling of a mission designated for the removal of space debris. Currently, numerous inactive space objects orbit Earth. Statistics indicate almost 37,000 objects larger than 10cm, …

Mar 2024 | No Comment

Call for Proposals operationally ready CPNT Services
The Volpe National Transportation Systems Center of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued a solicitation to obtain proposals from vendors with operationally ready complementary positioning, navigation and timing (CPNT) services to be used for testing and evaluation in …